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About ford444

  • Birthday 06/13/1971


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  1. Hello everone I drove my b61 with the endt673c engine. It ran slugish between 1800 and 2100 rpm.So I took my injector pump off the end673 170hp engine changed the govener because turbo and natural aspirated engine are dfferent. I installed it on my 250hp engine turn the pump up a little It runs really good now but wondering if i cut the hp of the engine. Local shop wants $2100 to rebuild pump. Thanks for any help ford
  2. Adrian Take the 3 bolts out and theres a snap ring inside you have to take out little tricky to get out should be a tiny hole in the top of cylinder to push ring down so you can pull it out. let me know if this helps.
  3. I was looking into later down the road to take out 20 speed quad box and installing a newer mack 9 or 10 speed mack transmission wondering if anyone has done this swap and what i'll need to do? My setup is endt673c engine with single clutch, but do have flywheel for double clutch setup. I know I'll have too make trans mounts and extend drive shaft but not sure what other modifications I'll have to do. My rear ends are 3.87 ratio with 22.5 low pro tires.
  4. Thanks guys for the help. I talk to a couple of drivers and they told me to license it as a motor home and put NOT FOR HIRE on the truck until I Do the driving test. also stay under 26,000 I'm planning to use truck for commercial use in the future. Pics of my truck in process of the build are in my album check it out.
  5. MY Photos of my b61 Truck I'm Building For Heavy Hauling
  6. Thanks bollweevil I'll Check it out.
  7. I'm Restoring a b61 Mack And wondering when I'm done can I drive it with class R license I'm planning to reinstate my class A with this truck What rules and regulations do i need to go by. I live in colorado.
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