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  1. Between the greedy oil companies and the brain dead Biden administration there bound to bankrupt this country
  2. Thanks, I didn't know one was already started.
  3. Ok,Thanks, I must have missed it. I Didn't know where to post it either.
  4. Doug Fetterly called me earlier this week and had some sad news that Mike Harbison Sr. has passed. He was a good friend and will be missed dearly especially by the Mack Truck family. Everyone keep his family in your prayers. Seems like we're loosing too many friends every year. Everyone be safe over the weekend.
  5. Bypass the air dryer to see if it builds air. I have had 2 of them plug up, I put a fitting in between the inlet and outlet to get by until I can get a cartridge.
  6. Did you have the filter stand off??. If so did you get the right gasket between the stand and block, there are different gaskets.
  7. Nice job on the conversation, what size is your Rat motor
  8. What's the difference between 690 and 690b.
  9. The older engines had studs can't remember when they started using bolts, I have seen broken studs I had one on my 315. Went to bolts hadn't had a problem.
  10. I don't know if you can get after market gaskets or not, but you might have to resort to used parts to fix it. What kind of parts are you looking for.
  11. The hub that the harmonic balancer bolts to
  12. Water pump and water pump housing..
  13. Is there certain years on the e7 that the expansion plugs in the rocker shaft that can fall out an lose oil pressure. Thought I have read something about this.
  14. Take it to a diesel, injection shop and get it rebuilt, I had one rebuilt the cost was around 200, 220 dollars
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