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About QCDriver

  • Birthday 09/11/1965


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  1. I was putting on a air leveling valve today and finally spotted roll pins. No wonder I could not find them, they are the size of a small, small finishing nail. The slipper pads looked as they would be pretty large (framing nail size). On a side note, way are these air ride valves failing. 2nd in year and half. Very clean air, no oil or water.?
  2. Thanks rhasler. I guess I have to drill in hanger or maybe it's just painted over. No I have a striaght Meritor 10sp. I did not want to start this project till I had an idea of procedure. Thanks Agian.
  3. No one can help?
  4. Mack sells wiper arm assy. rebuild kits. The are a bitch with no room to work. But they have them. Not expensive either.
  5. In the post "Air Ride broke", just ahead of his finger I need to replace the teflon pad. Mine does not have torx bolts to remove. Someone told me you have to drill and tap to get pins out. Could I just lift axle, and dump air, and place pad in? It's missing and is loud.
  6. Where can I find your pics?
  7. Has anyone bought one yet? I've got a call into Balt. Mack.
  8. How do you replace the teflon pad for the Z spring?
  9. Try standing Super Single. I feel your pain.
  10. I had 11R 22.5 duals and switched to 455/50 22.5 singles and got an instant increase of .5 mpg. Could help some.
  11. My in dash swithes are fully wired, nothing to crimp to for power...?
  12. Would these be wired to the batt. and key rocker switch?
  13. I had same sound last year, checked and greased driveline, 2k started all over,and kept on greasing. Well on day the u-joint exposed itself. Needles gone in 1 cap.
  14. Always good parkimg. As soon as you get there after breakfast.
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