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  1. Got it. Thank you for your fast reply and all the good information.
  2. Yes there is in fact. I'll be checking there then.. what's a buss bar?
  3. I have a 2009 Mack Granite GU713. Need help finding the Fuse for the cigarette outlet, and or the other outlets so I can charge my phone. I know there's a fuse box located behind the clutch but it has no labels. Was wondering if there's another fuse box elsewhere? If there is another one, which fuse box do I check for the power outlet? Hope I wasn't confusing.
  4. Lol. Will do, thank you
  5. Thank you for your reply! Your info will give me an idea of what to expect. Obviously by ear would be best but wanted to know if that high of rpms was needed on the Mack. I've only driven 10 speed Eaton, where the rpms usually 1400-1600 range (for me at least)
  6. Does 19,000 - 20,000 rpm (according to the guy that has driven it) seem right?? It'd be my 1st time driving a Mack and that type of transmission. Wanted to get thoughts on it. Thanks
  7. Do you have the t310mlr transmission? (See Picture) If so, what rpms do you upshift at?
  8. Rev counter meaning what rpms the gear starts at??
  9. New to this Mack Granite with T310 mlr Transmission. The truck doesn't have a shift pattern diagram in the cab, but after looking it up apparently it has lo/lo, lo, 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. My question is at what rpm do I shift? Another driver told me around 20,000 rpm. Seems a bit much to me. Is that right? Please help!
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