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About quantumleap

  • Birthday 07/15/1972


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    on the highway and in your neighbourhood

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  1. i had a closer look at this new ECU today. the cover that is screwed down seems to be thicker and smooth. not like any of the other covers that appeared to be very thin with a pressed ridge around the outside edge that held the seal down. also there is what appears to be a small black rubber bung in the back. i don't know what this is for. i could only surmise that its for moisture to get out if it finds its way inside the box cheers the hulk
  2. update...... well....gearbox ECU number 7 is now in the truck!!! apparently both mack trucks AND eaton know there is a problem with interfacing the Eaton autoshift to the mack E7 engines as fitted to the quantums!!! i took the truck over to our local dealer this morning as requested by the boss. had the truck back by mid afternoon. it seems eaton know about the unique problems with these trucks and so have produced a gearbox ECU that deals with it.....what that is exactly i don't know. by the way.....number 6 didn't fail....they just replaced it with a "new and improved" ECU. just yesterday the yellow engine warning light came on as i'm running down the highway. i tried to retrieve the blink code to see what was wrong....and no code came up...nothing at all.....it did this twice in the space of about 3 hours. i have in the past had a recuring fault code that says the J1939 link had a problem....but it doesn't stop the truck. this new (number 7) ECU seems to shift the box about 1000rpm lower that ALL previous ECU's it also "jumps" gears when unloaded...as it should...but much better than all previous ECU's these ECU's also have (in the past) had a problem with moisture (water) ingression.....even though they are a factory sealed unit.....no one seems to know why or give an explaination as to why water gets inside. and no i don't blast the ECU with water when i wash the truck....in fact i'm very aware of where it is and steer well away from it when washing the cab. we will see how THIS tranny ECU goes....time will tell as to IF they have got it right THIS time cheers the hulk
  3. update...... it seems the battery problem has cured itself. after a long drive yesterday i was not really keen to shut the engine down in case i couldnt start it again.....but i did and to my surprise it fired up without a problem. our local mack truck dealer here is in talks with eaton so i have been told. seems many questions are being asked and so many answers SHOULD be forthcoming soon. i am now of the belief that yes the autoshift SHOULD be wired direct to the battery....but why it isn't still remains a mystery. will keep you up to date as i find out.... cheers the hulk
  4. yeah i agree.... but as this autoshift was a factory fit rearranging the wiring harness will require a little thought. also this trucks 4 batteries went flat overnight. went to start it this morning and nothing....dead flat!!!...i suspect that since the tranny ECU was dead shorted through the reducer it was pulling power from the batteries.....but the isolation switch was off....dunno whats goin on there. cheers the hulk
  5. just been looking at the wiring diagrams from the eaton website. what a fantastic source of information!!!!!!! pity mack trucks aren't as forthcoming for the quantums!!!!! the gen 3 autoshift appears to be both 12v and 24v compatable. this leads me to believe that the voltage reducer currently used on my truck is not needed whatsoever. it could possibly be the reason behind all these failures. time and further investigation will tell i will let you know more as it comes to hand............. cheers the hulk
  6. hi there ThaddeusW... thanks for the link to the wiring diagrams....this is something i have been chasing to see where everything runs and where to look for possible problems. just to confirm with you that yes it is a gen 3 18 speed autoshift with the t-bar type shifter.....the tech told me today when they installed tranny ECU number 6!!!! i have had a quick look at the link you gave me and yes it does show the main power is direct to the battery via a suitable fuse.(30amp) cheers the hulk
  7. update..... our quantum has now killed gearbox computer number 5....it lasted 2 weeks. seems this computer has internally shorted itself to ground. the tech found it after it blew several 30amp fuses....thank god for high capacity big grunt 24volt to 12volt reducers. the main power for this gearbox computer comes from 1 of the 2 main voltage reducers fitted to this truck. i still don't understand why these computers keep failing. you would think that after the first 2 that eaton would be asking what the hell is going on. cheers the hulk
  8. first of all..... yes i have the right to speak my mind (i live in a free country where we say how we feel) we also believe in constructive critism in whatever form that may take. the truck i drive is not owned by me....i mearly drive it and keep it presentable most of the time. i have the responsibility of maintaining this vehicle's appearance as it is a company truck. if someone doesn't like my comments then you don't hafta read them...it's your choice. i have also started a new thread on this website open for any and all comments about these trucks irrespective of creed, colour or religion. cheers the hulk
  9. what a disgusting mess of an engine bay!!!!!! don't you know what degreaser is?? i drive a quantum as well....great to drive and ride in and yes it has a EA7 engine....but with an 18 speed autoshift behind it. i take pride in what i drive and i do my best to look after it. im guessing from your negative comments you don't like the quantum??....so why buy it in the first place???....why not sell it if your not happy with it?? cheers the hulk
  10. i would suggest contacting a speed shop like rocket industries or castlemaine rod shop. if they can't help you they should know someone who can cheers the hulk
  11. hi all.... yes i drive one of these trucks everyday for a job. its a twin steer bogie drive with a tag out the back. its also a tilt tray. i like this truck personally although we have had a few troubles with it. it has the EA7 engine rated to 470hp with a gen 3 18 speed auto shift 'box out the back. the biggest problem with this truck is it keeps killing the gearbox computers (4 so far). its done this from new. so.....has anyone had their fair share of dramas with these trucks...(and don't just say they are a piece of crap) feel free to share your problems and fixes cheers "the hulk"
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