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Everything posted by Vmac3

  1. To me that sounds like you have the engine brake plungers sticking and not retracting back into their respective bores. V
  2. The red lamp is the engine shutdown warning indicator. May be because of low coolant, low oil pressure, high coolant temp etc.. Like Joey mentioned, find out what the codes are and we will try and guide you. V
  3. Vmac3

    Shop Talk

    God almighty!!! My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. V
  4. Let us know what you find and doing to fix this issue.
  5. No worries
  6. EGR cooler efficiency fault. V
  7. That blue "thing" looks an awful like a pressure switch for an A/C system. That does not look like a pressure or temp sensor. V
  8. Also lets check the turbo shaft for excess play. These problems that you have sound unrelated. Also, remove the egr outlet pipe at the cooler. Check to see if there is any oil residue on the outlet side. V
  9. Is there excess blow-by coming out from the blow-by tube? V
  10. You would be correct Joey. Most of these were set to 650rpm from factory.
  11. First make sure the parking brakes are applied and the engine is idling at temperature. Cycle the cruise control On/Off switch 3 times, the engine rpm should go down to 550 rpm. With the Set/Resume switch (its a spring loaded switch), toggle the resume to increase the engine rpm. Once you have set it to the engine rpm you want, press the clutch in. It should stay at your desired rpm. If its an automated transmission, then you would need Tech Tool to set the rpm. Hope this helps. V
  12. Did you remove and inspect the engine ecu connectors as FJH mentioned? V
  13. I would do what MP suggests first and see what happens. You spent a lot of money already. I'm wondering if you may be getting fuel in the engine oil causing your fuel pressure issue??? V
  14. Egr blocked off? Ecm is looking for egr flow. It's probably derating the engine. Any codes? V
  15. Had a 2005 granite with a broken baffle in the muffler causing high EGTs. Remove the exhaust pipe going into the muffler and road test it. See what happens. V
  16. Turbo air supply air filter plugged? Seized vanes on turbo? Rockershaft plugs blown out? Seized rocker shafts? Charge air cooler leaking? Fuel pressure low? Fault codes? Engine oil level low? Oil pressure gauge not reading right? List can go on and on. We need more information. Let's start with year make and model of the truck. What has been done to the truck. What other symptoms are there. Lots of great minds here to help out. V
  17. Makes sense. Injector metering and timing is critical to prevent excessive Nox production. The EGR doesn't flow as much as they used too and they figure they can clean up in the aftertreatment system. If the aftertreatment system is working as it should. V
  18. Nox sensors have been an ongoing issue with the vehicles. I have found that if one has failed the other will surely follow. Just wondering, do the one box systems plug up with dried DEF still like the older 2 piece style? V
  19. Wasn't there an update to the fan shroud and water pump that located it lower in the chassis? V
  20. Its going to be money and time with my experience. If the checks that Joey suggested don't have an answer then you will need to invest some time and money. Disconnect the power leads to the jake heads and supply a fused switched 12V to each head. Drive the truck and get it hot. Apply your switch and see if they work. If they dont then you may have an oil pressure problem, a hardware problem or both. If they do then it may be an electrical issue. V
  21. Hello everyone. Its been a while, back from vacation. The D12 had the gauge as well. It was positioned to the "A position" on the gauge and the 11-13 and 16 used position B. Whenever I do/did a camshaft job I always ensure that the engine is set to TDC. Zero on the flywheel housing and TDC on the camshaft. Make sure you have the correct backlash between the idler and the cam gear, otherwise you will have serious issues. V
  22. Does this happen when the truck is pulling a load or getting up to speed? I've had suspension leveling valves cause all kinds of grief. V
  23. Intake and exhaust section and I believe its under miscellaneous.
  24. Any part of the suction side of the fuel system will draw air in. Seen fuel water separators cause this a few times and corroded block off plates where the primary fuel filter would sit. V
  25. Fuel diluting the engine oil. Good call Joey. V
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