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Everything posted by John3406

  1. Not sure what they might be worth. Shoot me an offer. Or if you have a mechanical pump and lined to trade
  2. Have a pump fuel lines and econovance off a running e7. Would also trade for good mechanical pump and fuel lines. Thanks
  3. Looking for mechanical injection pump for e7. Also need fuel lines . Thanks
  4. Just looking at it it looks big enough
  5. Thanks guys. Was thinking about putting a 3406e cat in one of my superliners. Trying to decide if radiator is big enough. I think it is
  6. Did all superliners use the same radiator regardless of engine used? Thanks
  7. If i had time to go to Georgia id buy it tomorrow
  8. I dont know about the ambac. I have only messed with bosch pumps
  9. It was definitely an upgrade compared to the factory turbo. With fuel plate ground and slid all the way forward it runs strong. Spools fast and as long as you keep the manifold pressure up the egts never get high
  10. I think antrim diesel.
  11. Holset hx50. 3580251. You have to weld a flange on it to match the elbow going to the charge air cooler. Runs great. Had one on mine at least 150 thousand miles
  12. I have a strong running e6 that will hang with the big cats in the hills but both heads are leaking now and im sure it will break the block or crank sooner or later. But its been running that way a long time
  13. What i would do. Right or wrong is start with 454 spec pistons and cam. Then put a mechanical pump on it and grind the fuel plate and slide it forward or remove it and probably a hx55 turbo. Bigger nozzles. I bet 600 will be easy. How long it will last who knows.
  14. Bosch pump?
  15. John3406

    E7 400

    Thats a vmac looks like. Im sure i can put mechanical pump on it. Probably have to change cam pistons injectors and turbo to bump the hp up. Ill keep it in mind
  16. John3406

    E7 400

    Looking for a e7 400 mechanical with jakes. Complete.
  17. Reyco. Rough riding. I have 2 trucks on reyco and no one will drive them. They ride rougher then camelback and hendrickson rubber block.
  18. Its got the worst suspension ever made on it
  19. Different here. We can go to 96000 lbs but you have to be a certain lenght. Like 61 foot from center of steer to center of rear trailer axle. And you need 7 axles. But you cant go over 34 thousand lbs on drives . So even if you have 52 rears 34 is all your allowed
  20. My thoughts exactly. I run 96 thousand with a 12 speed. A 6 wouldn't be good unless there was no hills at all
  21. I never met a dot officer that was smart enough to tell a 38 rear from a 44 rear. They will look at tire ratings and thats about it
  22. If you decide to pass on the superliner let me know. Im looking for another one. Id swap out that 6 speed for sure tho.
  23. Nevermind i see you tweaked the pump so it must be mechanical. Whats your timing set at?
  24. Mechanical or electronic motor?
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