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  1. 2005 chn613 Hey guys on the trailer wire buss bar connected to the coolant tank bracket I'm trying to get ignition power at one of the lugs for the trailer abs. the manual list a battery constant and a ignition it also list a trailer abs but the brown trailer wire is on it 🤔 there are no lugs giving constant power any ideas?
  2. Sorry 05 ch613
  3. Hello everybody and thank you for your reply on my last question. I have a new one today wondering if there's any way of not going to the dealership to change the digital readout of the odometer from kilometers to miles?
  4. Hello there, I'm new to the Forum. I hope I'm not barging in on a conversation at the wrong topic. I've recently got my front water pump housing tore down to replace with a new one, and a lot of the bolts seemed extremely hard coming out of the front cover - two of them were broken (fan hub bracket studs). Can anybody tell me if Mack recommends anti-seize on any of the accessory bolts in this cover?
  5. Hello there, I'm new to the Forum. I hope I'm not barging in on a conversation at the wrong topic. I've recently got my front water pump housing tore down to replace with a new one, and a lot of the bolts seemed extremely hard coming out of the front cover - two of them were broken (fan hub bracket studs). Can anybody tell me if Mack recommends anti-seize on any of the accessory bolts in this cover?
  6. After my recent purchase of a '05 CHN613, mid-roof, gold dog I wanted to find a knowlegdable group of guys on these trucks. Looks like I found it.
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