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  1. Anyone got a part number for the trunnion spindle? Pretty sure it’s the 3.5 single hole on the end but don’t have it apart. I’m seeing some of these are 4 hole at the end, 3 in, 4 in, nothing says specifically it’s for a 44k.
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys.
  3. Going to be doing a bushing replacement on my truck. Never done this before. Is there anything I need to know about or need other than what’s in the photo? Also they are pretty wore, what are the chances the trunnion itself needs to be replaced?
  4. Hi, I got a 1980 mack superliner with 44k humpbacks. I need a part number for the pinion seal where the yoke from the drive shaft goes in. Also I need a lower dust cover for the brakes if anyones got a number for that. Thanks.
  5. Sorry I didn’t get back, been busy and there finishing up my truck so just want to get this going down the road. I’ll hit the forum later with some seal numbers. I’d like to have them on the shelf.
  6. I do have a seal but it’s in my truck, will grab and post the 2 numbers that are on it tomorrow. Does that specify a year rob or does it matter? I came across some ones for 44k axles and was talking about antilock brakes which mine don’t have. I have the old school drum bolted to hub style. Don’t know if there the same as new Mack axles.
  7. Having an emergency, in the middle of dump truck season and had a few days off so decided to change the brakes. Took the drum and axle hubs off, popped a seal off to match and no one can even get me a part number or match. Kenworth shop said they could overnight them and charge me $275 per axle for labor and id have it back in 3 days. Great! Right? A week and a half later I get my truck back with a $2700 bill for the tandems only because they couldn’t source the front pads. I drove it for 3 hours and seen 2 of the 4 seals leaking. I heard a parts guy tell the service manager they used the ones on there shelf. I was with his parts guy when we decided there seals were slightly out of spec then mine and they we’re going to order them. Never did,those bastards, I don’t believe they could find the right one. There’s no Mack dealer in town here and heavy truck places can’t find this seal. Anyone know what a stemco number is for this or where I could find one? It’s a 1980 Mack super liner with 22k axles. I’m losing money every day this thing is down😣
  8. I have a 1980 Mack super liner that is in need of new brake pads. It has 22k axles on it. My question, are these pads a universal bendex part or are they Mack specific? Just want to know how hard these going to be to find.
  9. As you guys can see you in another thread I determine my injector pump governor is bad, I just spent an eight hour shift looking online and can’t find the pump or parts. Can anyone point me in the right direction or have any ideas. The motor is a 80 e6 315 hp. The pump is part number 9-400-231-024 and Mack number 313gc5121p29x. Also if someone happen to have a diagram of the inside of one of those that would be great along with timing Procedures of installing one.
  10. All the linkage and springs look good, I noticed another problem today,my Dynatard is not working. I was suspecting the governor and I just read somewhere that the Danatard is connected to the governor on the fuel injection pump also. I think I’m going to get an injector pump for it and throw it on there and see if that works. I don’t think there’s any point of looking inside the governor housing and trying to figure out what’s wrong with it because I cannot find parts anywhere online if I did see something was broken.
  11. I believe your right, I don’t know why I thought it was a 671 ci. I just bought this this and still figuring everything out.
  12. A little confusion on the engine sorry for that, but it is a 671 e6 Mack 315 hp
  13. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, after doing some research it is most definitely a governor issue. It looks like a bolt on assembly, can it be removed and replaced without messing with calibration of the pump? If so where can I buy one or the parts inside of it for that matter? I can’t find anything online except for rebuilt pumps.
  14. Thanks I’ll take a look at that
  15. This has happened to me twice now. The linkage is not getting stuck but the motor stays at whatever rpm I was running at for about 10 seconds. The first time I was putting down a road at low rpm and when I came up to a stop sign it just stayed at 1100. Today I was heading down the Hwy full acceleration from stop lights and it stuck full throttle. The accelerator and linkage moved freely and doesn’t seem like a runaway engine because the rpm didn’t increase. Any ideas? It’s a 80 super liner with a 671 315 hp.
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