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D-Day last won the day on April 27 2022

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About D-Day

  • Birthday 12/13/1965


  • Location
    Franklin North Carolina

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  • My Truck
    1965 B755 LS 1959 B73LT
  • Interests
    It is just my Nickname from my time in the Marine Corps
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  1. Just wait it’s coming
  2. Excellent I hope everything comes together and looks great
  3. Make sure all air tanks are drained I have found some so full of oil and water nothing would work also some air tanks are divided vertically so both ends need drained
  4. I have seen a Dynatard removed and replaced with a Jake brake on a four valve engine I did not do that job so I don't know the details.
  5. That looks like all of the 335 cumins I worked on never seen one with a aftercooler that was the 350 small cam and later
  6. I found a 5000 and never thought about it but it is interesting the cab is all fiberglass just got it for the 220 Cummins parts
  7. A friend sent me this picture from South Bend Washington I lived there when I was a kid it appears to be an E model Mack the writing at the bottom says it’s 100 feet long my father in law cut timber for years and he cut a couple trees for building keels in ships and they hauled them this way
  8. This flywheel housing measures 5 7/8 for over all depth and the triplex here the bell housing measures about 8 1/4 also the input shaft protrusion is 3 and 1/2 inches beyond the bell housing you can also see how far the flywheel is protruding
  9. I have always thought the flywheel housing depth was the same it was the bell housing and input shaft that changed in dimension for single or double plate clutch but I can measure it there are a couple of old 13 speed road rangers here small size with air actuated clutch brake they had a little push button on the shifter the bell housing and input shaft is where it gets tricky to locate the right input shaft length and bell housing depth with Mack side mounts
  10. I have one I think it's on a 711 not sure it's the same but it did have a twin disc push type clutch and the starter is on the right, I am quite a good distance from NE Ohio in western NC
  11. Not quite 45 years ago but this is from 35years ago my 49 Willy’s pickup is still my favorite repowered with a 327 and 4 speed it was a lot of fun
  12. Buncombe county and Asheville have 14,000 applicants and FEMA has dispersed over 12 million dollars to residents, statewide there has been over 25,000 applications to FEMA and 27 million dollars distributed
  13. I have worked on 3 Kenworths with consecutive serial numbers from 1964 they came out of the factory with fiberglass hoods and I have seen some from 1963 as well pretty sure they were factory fiberglass also, nice work Bob its getting there
  14. It was common in the 70's and 80's in Washinton state Idaho and Canada to find trucks with an extra gearbox generally a 3 or 4 speed auxillary added for working in the mountains usually made by Brownlipe before Spicer took over they were called a Brownie by the truck drivers
  15. My favorite vintage plate could be Italian or maybe Swedish but I think Italian I love it it was everywhere in the late seventies early eighties I have not seen one in a long time found this one at a friend’s shop a couple months ago perfect for an Italian Mack
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