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Everything posted by Gravelguy413

  1. Great will def check this out. I should have done this when cac was off but needed the truck the next day. I really don’t notice any smoke trailing but some blue haze prob because she uses oil
  2. The overheating issue has been solved thanks to all the Pedigreed Bulldog members who responded and told me more than once to take CAC off and clean in between radiator etc. I guess it had to sink in. Poor dog was running a fever on the hills due to all the dirt clogging the radiator fins. I get no more than 24 lbs of boost on a hard pull but sounds like it’s within spec? Probably time to freshen up the engine considering the miles / hours as a dump truck. It probably is what it is considering what is is. Lol.
  3. Ok I will clean everything and install a pyro and see where exhaust temps are at. Engine has 455k miles and over 25k hours maybe it’s just tired, uses oil and has a good amount of blow by although it used to pull steep hills loaded without overheating.
  4. Shifting through the gears empty I can hit 21, with a full load going up a hill I hit 23-24 max. Should I be looking for leaks ? Truck is overheating on hills. I changed thermostat and coolant already.
  5. Great. If I don’t get that I will check for leaks thank you
  6. I just bought a boost gauge and was wondering what it should read on a hard pull?
  7. How much boost should a 96 mechanical EM-7 300 be putting out under load?
  8. Hello everybody. Looking to flush cooling system on a 96 RD with em7-300. What is the proper procedure on this and to get all water out of radiator and block before filling with coolant? I have located the drain on lower radiator tube it’s froze up and will replace and drain from that point. All comments are appreciated.
  9. Don’t see any drain on radiator. Could I just pull coolant hose off air compressor and drain down that way?
  10. What is the easiest way to drain the coolant level down before I crack things open?
  11. Changing thermostat for the first time on a mechanical em7-300. Anything in particular that I need to know? Thanks in advance
  12. Well I replaced the fan clutch and the fan now works as it’s supposed to. It also got rid of the loud squealing noise that came on around 1600 rpm however the truck is still heating up when hauling a load up hill. I am changing out the thermostat tomorrow. Anything I need to know or is that pretty straight forward?
  13. Fan does not rotate easily and there is no play however there is old oily residue on the fins of the fan clutch and fan blades. I ran truck for several hours around the yard moving loads and it stayed at just under 180. Should I just replace fan clutch? Everything else looks good
  14. Hello all. Have 96 RD with mechanical 300. Recently noticed when hauling a load that coolant temps start to near the red zone on temp gauge within a few miles of driving. Not losing any coolant. Only things I have noticed lately is the low oil/ coolant/ air pressure alarm beeps intermittently after it initially shuts off. I do not hear the fan surging like it used to on uphill pulls. Could this just be a faulty thermostat or what ?
  15. Ok will check that also. Thank you
  16. Ok great will check all this, thanks
  17. Will do. Definitely coming from engine bay
  18. Nothing mounted. Pto off of tranny. What is a center bearing?
  19. I have not been able to get it to make the noise when parked only when driving so that makes it more difficult to diagnose . No slop in turbo. When it starts squealing I get off the pedal and it will keep squealing until rpm’s drop below the 1600. Drives me nuts
  20. Hey guys working with a 96 em7-300 all mechanical. I get a squealing noise that comes on at about 1600 rpm and I can accelerate thru it and it goes away about 1800 rpm. Could this just be a belt or what else should I check, thanks in advance.
  21. Looking at a truck with the AMI 300. What has to be done to go to 370 hp. ?
  22. $2,500
  23. 96 EM7-300 all mechanical. Looking for a 10-15% hp increase. Can I get this by adjusting the pump only or do I need to get different injectors and bigger turbo also?
  24. Oh hell yah! This site has kept me out of the shop at least half a dozen times, thanks for the help really appreciate it
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