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Everything posted by Gravelguy413

  1. It ended up being the headlight switch I guess. Somebody had the wrong one in there and the contacts were the wrong type and didn’t make a solid connection. I put an OEM one in there and everything is working now
  2. Ok will check for loose connection and go from there
  3. Yes I have a fuel shut off pull knob. I will check those grounds tomorrow and try wiggling the key. If nothing I will replace that relay I guess
  4. 1996 RD all mechanical. Having problem with no tail lights when headlights are on. All brake lights and turn signals working. Periodically I will lose power to tach, fuel gauge, wipers, blower motor etc while driving. These things will stop working and then turn back on. Also sometimes turn signals work but the beeping noise doesn’t come on. I turned my headlights on this morning and the tail lights came on. I swapped relays and they quit working. I put original relay back in and they will not turn on. Any ideas? Does the key switch have anything to do with this ? sometimes I have to turn it 2-3 times until the truck will turn over.
  5. Anybody have a fuse diagram for 96 RD690s with fully mechanical ?
  6. When this happens the exhaust is very blue so I assumed it was oil burning. If it is in fact fuel, what causes fuel slobbering?
  7. Ok guys will check for an air leak. Seems like this only happens when I’m hauling a load. When I get off the throttle and rpms drop below 1600 it quits making the noise. Regarding the oil leak from turbo no I do not idle excessively
  8. Would an air leak also cause the turbo to leak oil out the exhaust?
  9. 96 EM7-300 all mechanical. Periodically oil drips out exhaust side of turbo then stops. Had turbo off nothing leaking into compressor side, no slop in shaft. Get a terrible squealing noise when truck hits 1600 rpm when driving it. While parked and revving to 1600 cannot get engine to make this noise it’s only when driving. Any ideas?
  10. One truck is a 91 RD690s and the other a 96 RD690s but I will check those things
  11. Can carriers from a 38k suspension be swapped into 44k axle housings ? Is there any difference between the two carriers?
  12. Got it thanks
  13. I’m running the red coolant in my 96 RD and just changed the coolant filter with a Mack brand. Is this ok? I read where somebody said Mack filter is only to be used with green coolant. Should I change back to non Mack filter?
  14. 96 RD690 has no brake lights, turning signal on passenger side rear. Front signals work. No apparent broken wires. Fuses looked ok. Anybody have any ideas?
  15. I just went through this on a 96 em7-300 fully mechanical. Threw a bunch of parts at it including new lift pump and fuel lines etc. It ended up being the little jumper between the heads for the return fuel. One of the fittings was a little loose. Problem solved
  16. Great thanks everybody
  17. Still having an Issue with full mechanical E7 fuel prime bleeding down over night and causing long crank times. Have replaced fuel return line and also lift pump no luck. Truck idles nice but seems to have a slight miss operating. Somebody earlier mentioned a possible bad injector. Would one bad injector cause long crank times? Also somebody mentioned a possible bad check valve. Where is this valve located?
  18. I’m thinking it always happens when pulling a load up a hill and the fan kicks on ? I was reading about a possible bad belt tensioner also maybe?
  19. 96 E7 all mechanical. Going through the gears and when hitting roughly 1600 rpm the engine has obnoxious squealing noise. Its coming from the front of engine but I don’t think it’s the belts. What else could cause this noise?
  20. Replaced both plastic return lines coming from front of head and also the smaller one that comes off the same fitting on back of injection pump. Problem solved
  21. Ok. How about those air valves that are on the top driver side of transmission in the back with the air lines going into them. Should those be replaced while it’s out?
  22. Picked up a 12 speed from a salvage yard today that was said to have low miles but who knows. I planned on replacing all of the air lines just because they are old. What else needs to be checked or should be replaced before putting it into the truck? Trying to avoid having to pull it back out to repair or replace something that should have been checked when it was out.
  23. Ok I will check filter housings and put a new lift pump on it and see if that does it. Thank you for the replies.
  24. Have a 96 E7 all mechanical with Bosch pump. When the truck is running it runs and idles great. Turn it off and it will start the next day. Let it sit for a few days and it will not start without cranking the piss out of it. Do not see any obvious leaks in the fuel lines. Something is causing it to lose prime. Which parts should I replace first any ideas? What causes is to lose prime?
  25. Hello all I have a Q regarding a lift pump on a Robert Bosch all mechanical pump on an E7. I took lift pump off to change out a cracked elbow on inlet line and noticed that the plunger on lift pump moves in and out but has no resistance on it. Shouldn’t this plunger push back out by itself after you push it in? I just purchased a new Bosch lift pump for a Deere excavator and its very similar and it pops back out when you push the plunger in. Is there a spring in there hat could be damaged?
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