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B-Model Chet

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About B-Model Chet

  • Birthday 04/20/1955


  • Location
    Greenwich, CT

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  • Interests
    B-Model Mack trucks
  • Gender

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Thank you all very much for the birthday wishes
  2. A working man's realistic restoration. The truck looks excellent. Continue to be happy doing what you're doing and most of all cherish the time spent with your dad and uncle. I can see they taught you well.
  3. God is great, b-model's are good, and some people are crazy
  4. Hey Red Horse, In reply to your CT trivia question I believe that the answer is Debardinas. Spelling close enough???
  5. Go to gallorestorations.com Then on the left side scroll down to "current projects", then to "59 Mack truck". This project should give you all the information you need.
  6. Hey Bob. I've been busy so i haven't been on so offten, but your messages are still coming through. Hope you are enjoying BMT.

    I really like the photo gallery . Talk to you soon amd tell sis hi from the family.


  7. You are still on! I hope you are having fun.

  8. Chet I have photos of when I drove a trailer for Cott Soda but I think their too small to ad to site. I also have photos of when I drove tri-axels for Deluca, Arty Clark ,Ciceo Bros,Dave Brown trucking,Akler and Bobby Katcho.

  9. Donnie. Go to Forums and sccroll down to the site related and click on site related topics. Then, the dude Barry will explain how to put on pictures under the How To Uplaod Pictures To Your Gallery tab. I also have some pictures of the DM and I'll post them in my gallery when I can find them.

  10. I guess you got my message. Glad to see that you joined. It's lots of fun. Be in touch now and then. This cite can help us remember the good old days.


  11. Nice job from beginning to end! Truck looks excellent. Hope to see more projects from you in the future!

  12. What's on your mind?

    1. dodge50318


      How in the hell do I put a photo on this site

    2. B-Model Chet

      B-Model Chet

      Donnie! Check out the members photo gallery. I put a picture of your DM on there.

    3. EmeryvilleBob


      Greetings from EmeryvilleBob.

      Hope you get this. DUH!!!

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