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Mr. Dana Taylor

Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Mr. Dana Taylor

  1. Good evening to all. I was wondering if someone can tell a little about these particular units? I’m in MI was going to use for hauling gravel, 50-100lb boulders demolition etc. This one is being auctioned foe 19K US. Have 75K budget , would this be a better overall model for what I’m doing, than the RD model? Thank you for your Insite and help.
  2. Good afternoon to all. Does anyone have or knowledgeable, about the E7-427? It’s a 92’ RB 688S. Does anyone know what the RD stands for? Thank You, much! Have a Wonderful day.
  3. Your most welcome brother.
  4. Gravel-Trains run ($130-145hr) 10-12hour a day.
  5. Do you see the spread you must have? This is called the Granddaddy’s of the all Dubbed “GRAVEL TRAIN”. Can carry up to 164,000LBS with out permits. 11-AXLES!!
  6. Yes Brother you can. PTO, Dump pup first, then unhook pup from lead, Dump lead then hook pup back up. You have to get out only, to on hook pup and attach pup back.
  7. Thank You much, for your worthy and great answers. I really appreciate them all! Probably looking at a Tri-axle,and pull a pup next year. Then my MAX haul will be in the 154-156,000LBS, ball park. Unfortunately, but fortunately on the business side of things. If one hasn’t heard, Michigan’s Lakes shore lines have severely eroded. A big movement since 2019’, when it truly started getting bad, has not let up, and only getting worse. Getting Limestone in and out (boulders) is really good money right now, and probably will be for a number of years. Any suggestions for engine, trans and suspension for this Load-set up. I believe someone said I was on the right track for set up. I will e looking for Mack with a steel bed 18-20’ feet long, budget for use Mack wether totally upgrade or purchase to get totally right, 50-75K.
  8. Good evening, to All. I’m in the process of looking for a “ Work Horse Mack”. I’m Old-School, so I was looking at the (RD model). Here in Southwest Michigan 11-axle Gross of “ Gravel Trains 164,000lbs, no permit! Would like to run a Quad or Tri for now, then later down the line a Pup trailer. So , as you can see we are a “Heavy Weight” State. No other way, but to represent with OLD-FAITHFUL MACK! Couple of questions for y’all brothers and Sisters (1) 6’31/2 will I fit? (2) I’ve heard an pre- emission 454 E7 , 2130TQ, 4:42 rear-gears, 44k rears, and camelback Spring Suspension . Was also thinking if room was an issue (Cab), then I would definitely purchase lowrider air-seat and seat frame spacer. Any suggestions or help, would be truly appreciated. May you and your Families, have an wonderful weekend and please be safe!
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