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dirty dog

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Everything posted by dirty dog

  1. mertor trans are junk..lot of problems with platform g electronics. even if the cam is replaced in an e-tech has the over head been run as per dealer??? it went from 150,000 for 1st overhead to 100,000 to 50,000!! just cause it had a cam replaced doesn't mean its good to go! i've put 3 cams in the same truck due owner refusing to preform overheads!!!
  2. e6 4 valve head can goto 400hp!
  3. treat your fuel with anti-jel.install a engine block heater for when engine is off-warm iron is happy iron.install a fuel heater of some sort.actuall diesel and gas engines prefer cold fuel.but not to the point of waxing .also stay away from high concentrates of bio-diesel in the winter.
  4. with all the syncro updates the mack trans is bullet proof.just have to keep up with maintenance!
  5. yes the t2050 mack trans
  6. "I am sure this will ruffle a few feathers.... however Allisons are hands down the best trans out there. I put many miles on both manuals and autos on and off road, I have even had manuals and autos fail "the only reason the Allison Failed was the guy ran it low on fluid for an extended duration, and had cavitation in the pump" the cost equals out to be the same in the long run. The only thing to do with an Allison is to change the oil and filters. The Allison will flat out $hit and get while the other guy is having to make his shift. Power is un-interupted while accelerating. The initial cost is higher than your run of the mill manual, however it does pay in the long run. " anyone that knows anything will agree with this statement! well said!
  7. remember to get the correct gasket...don't let "jodi" get ya the wrong one!
  8. i have seen this on several units i advise all my customers to add the anti capilary harness to all their units with the plastic low coolant level sensor
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