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About Mackmann

  • Birthday 11/09/1983


  • Location
    Garnet Valley, PA

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    Trucks , Guns and Woman
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  1. i have a 2006 CV713 with the 460. I get the same MPG 4.5-5. The fan is loud as hell but for 800 bucks they do sell a 2 stage fan. Im waiting for the one i have now to take a shit so i can get the 2-stage. The 2 stage is not loud at all. Your right the 460 is nothing to brag about. My dads C-15 -475hp walks all over it. Its enuff for me and what i do. But ytou would think it had more balls. Off the line its a dog. I got 4.30 gears and a 13speed. One more thing about that damn fan. It robs alot of HP. I been in hills and had to down shift when the fan came on.
  2. I was thinking about getting my 1st tattoo. Then it clicked. The Mack logo. Since i love Mack trucks more then anything i think i want to get the logo tattooed on me. But then again volvo owns mack now and i hate that. If they really start turning mack into a POS and i stop buying them then i will be stuck with a mack tattoo. LOL I dont know what to do???
  3. I got a 2006 CV713 tri/axle dump truck with 171k on it. When i go to hit the brakes i can hear an air leak coming from the tandems somewhere. It only leaks for 3-5 secs. Then when it stops leaking the brakes come on hard. I took it down to Harvey mack and they replaced the Anti Compounding valve. When i left the dealership all seemed good. But now its back to the some old BS. If you pull down the trolley brake it doesn't do anything. Maybe it works a very little. I mean i still have brakes but i can tell something is not right. Its not a brake chamber i know that. I'm almost 100% sure its a valve. Anyone ever have this problem before?? Please help thanks.
  4. Im not to far from you. Down in delaware county. Welcome to BMT.
  5. Funny story. When i went there i always had my Mack hat on. The shop forman ask me about my Mack hat. I told him they are the best trucks on the road. They had an old R model they used for a yard tractor i told them i wanted that for my road truck. They laughed at me. Then the shop forman told me Mack trucks are like riding a scooter. Its fun when no one is around. That was 4.5 years ago. Now they are buying Macks. about time they got smart. But i will give that IH credit. It wasnt a bad truck.
  6. I just looked on thier wbesite they do have a couple pics of mack daycabs. Here is a video of a sleeper truck coming off the line.
  7. Venezia is buying macks now?? Thats good news. I drove for them for alittle while. But i got an IH.
  8. well i might gut my muffler 1st to see if i like how loud it is. If i do like it then i will spend the big money and get a full exhust made.
  9. well for starters thats not a jeep. lol
  10. You might be a redneck if..................
  11. I dont know jack about flats. But if EAST makes their flats like their dump trailer then its one hell of a good trailer.
  12. My last order i never got. But they never charged my card. They did call about a month after i ordered. But i already bought what i needed at another place. But i did have other orders go thur with no problems at all.
  13. How much does paint jobs like them cost?? Anyone know?
  14. Real harley riders ride all year along.
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