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Everything posted by Mackmann

  1. i have a 2006 CV713 with the 460. I get the same MPG 4.5-5. The fan is loud as hell but for 800 bucks they do sell a 2 stage fan. Im waiting for the one i have now to take a shit so i can get the 2-stage. The 2 stage is not loud at all. Your right the 460 is nothing to brag about. My dads C-15 -475hp walks all over it. Its enuff for me and what i do. But ytou would think it had more balls. Off the line its a dog. I got 4.30 gears and a 13speed. One more thing about that damn fan. It robs alot of HP. I been in hills and had to down shift when the fan came on.
  2. I was thinking about getting my 1st tattoo. Then it clicked. The Mack logo. Since i love Mack trucks more then anything i think i want to get the logo tattooed on me. But then again volvo owns mack now and i hate that. If they really start turning mack into a POS and i stop buying them then i will be stuck with a mack tattoo. LOL I dont know what to do???
  3. I got a 2006 CV713 tri/axle dump truck with 171k on it. When i go to hit the brakes i can hear an air leak coming from the tandems somewhere. It only leaks for 3-5 secs. Then when it stops leaking the brakes come on hard. I took it down to Harvey mack and they replaced the Anti Compounding valve. When i left the dealership all seemed good. But now its back to the some old BS. If you pull down the trolley brake it doesn't do anything. Maybe it works a very little. I mean i still have brakes but i can tell something is not right. Its not a brake chamber i know that. I'm almost 100% sure its a valve. Anyone ever have this problem before?? Please help thanks.
  4. Im not to far from you. Down in delaware county. Welcome to BMT.
  5. Funny story. When i went there i always had my Mack hat on. The shop forman ask me about my Mack hat. I told him they are the best trucks on the road. They had an old R model they used for a yard tractor i told them i wanted that for my road truck. They laughed at me. Then the shop forman told me Mack trucks are like riding a scooter. Its fun when no one is around. That was 4.5 years ago. Now they are buying Macks. about time they got smart. But i will give that IH credit. It wasnt a bad truck.
  6. I just looked on thier wbesite they do have a couple pics of mack daycabs. Here is a video of a sleeper truck coming off the line.
  7. Venezia is buying macks now?? Thats good news. I drove for them for alittle while. But i got an IH.
  8. well i might gut my muffler 1st to see if i like how loud it is. If i do like it then i will spend the big money and get a full exhust made.
  9. well for starters thats not a jeep. lol
  10. You might be a redneck if..................
  11. I dont know jack about flats. But if EAST makes their flats like their dump trailer then its one hell of a good trailer.
  12. My last order i never got. But they never charged my card. They did call about a month after i ordered. But i already bought what i needed at another place. But i did have other orders go thur with no problems at all.
  13. How much does paint jobs like them cost?? Anyone know?
  14. Real harley riders ride all year along.
  15. Thats good to know. I have to see this week if i can swing it. What is the rebuild point on these motors. I know 500k give or take is a lot on a dump truck.
  16. I been looking for a truck to handle my girlfirend. lol the 46k rears on the grantie were not cutting it.
  17. Happy to see Mack pumping out the trucks.
  18. Tell me what you know about the 454. Im looking at a 1996 CL with a 454 in it. Tri/axle dump truck with around 500k on the motor. I know the 1st owner and the 2nd. The truck always got what it needed. So whats the deal with the 454?? Good motor, Bad motor?? Thanks
  19. They are junk. MACK got it all over them.
  20. Nah not yet. Im being cheap right now lol. I just have my name and numbers on some cheap ass letters.
  21. what year is it?? Have better pics of the inside. Also why no back window?? How many miles?? Thanks
  22. Just paid 4.05/gal. But Macungie is only about 1hr 45min away. So i will be there. This will be my 1st time going to this show. Hope its a good one
  23. Me and my red mack will be there.
  24. Anybody know of anyway to stop the vented cap from leaking. I try to keep a nice truck and i polish my fuel tank about once every other month. But mack Vents the cap and not the tank. SO fuel leaks out of the cap and runs down the side of my tank. It looks like shit and pisses me off big time. Im always out there wipeing the fuel off. I bought new gaskets and a whole new fuel cap and it still does it. Is there a fix to this?? Or is it one of them things im going to have to live with??
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