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Mean Green

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Everything posted by Mean Green

  1. Isn't it funny you restored that entire truck and the hardest and most frustrating part its the trip to the dmv lol you should know by now goverment employees will make up there own rules for things . The truck looks great getting it road legal is such a great milestone !!
  2. I ran 50 psi in my b model as a single axle the tires were so hard and dry rotted it made no diffrence and short wheel base makes it worse I made mine longer and added tandum air ride wayyyyy better
  3. The rear out of my B42 originally is gone I put a diesel rear with better gears as I couldn't go over 45 in it but if you can use it you can have it
  4. I don't know why everyone can't get behind creepy Joe on these electric trucks the range is amazing......if it's on a flat bed ......or tow truck.....
  5. your right I rember it was nothing to grab some cash and go buy something cool there were deals everywhere obama ruined that every pile of crap was then worth 5000 I rember buying a 87 blazer silverado no rust just some dents lifted from a car lot for 700 bucks ten grand today its sad
  6. found some pics of the 77 with the small and big tires
  7. thats a nice 2 dr wagon really do not see those anywhere and ya we are all off the original post but it don't matter lol just put the truck in the shed for the winter so not much will be happening I made the mounts so once I get it going again I'll post some more pics of it
  8. I was always had a truck since I was younger my favorite was a 1977 chevy I bought painted it up I had 11 inches of lift on it 44 in super swampers and ended up swapping in a 6at3.4 cummins in it I was always into diesels I miss that truck sold it to a guy in winchester virginia
  9. I found a yard that had them but they were a bit to high for me 1000 bucks and they looked a bit rough
  10. the cut off I used in the rear I think was international there was nothing left of the truck so I don't know and neither did the guy I got it from but that frame slid right over my frame I just squared it and drilled holes through both and bolted it together
  11. there is a nother member here I would have to look up the old post the used the fld axle he said the center pins were off by half an inch each so he made spacers under the springs that were offset and the tires were at the fenders the wheel part looks like it would be past but I don't think it would be off that bad
  12. I want to run hub pilot on the steer on mine I allready did an air ride swap I have heard an fld freightliner axle will almost go right in that way I'll have all modern parts in the front as my break cans are bad and the tie rod is sloppy I just need to find somone to part with one on he cheap lol I have my old dayton rear axle and can't give it away wish I could trade or find someone who could use it
  13. wow that frame looks amazing awsome work if I may ask what are you using on the front ? budd ? hub pilot just wondering
  14. the front does sit higher that some I have seen the left spring is stock the right sat really low had broken plies I fixed it this summer glad I did cause LOTS of plies were broken not just the ones I saw I just used springs fr the rear that I just pulled out they worked perfect and eventually I do the drivers side too
  15. I don't know what hub caps fit them Bob there were none on it when I got it but there miss matched pass side has a mack hub and drivers side looks like on old Lee hub if I can find a replacement axle I will not need these any more I'm searching for a fld freight liner axle to swap the whole thing out as his is a light axle being a b42
  16. here it is when I brought it home it was a really long wheel base single axle log truck the guy k ocked off a few bucks to keep the log bunk off of it . I had to replace the rear as it was a gasser rear with deep gears and would only do 45 . so I cut the frame down and put a diesel double reduction rear in it then later cut the frame again and put an air ride under it
  17. Thanks everyone its coming along good I'm planing on moving the stacks out about 2 in and forward 3 in and moving my lower brackets as there in the way now . And yes it was a gas engine truck but somone before me re powered it with a 673 and I ended up putting the turbo on it over all its been a fun truck ill have to post some pics from when I got it last project I want to do is a budd or hub pilot axle in the front so I can have all aluminum wheels .
  18. got it on but not where I want it yet need to move the stacks and slide forward a few inches but at least I can see it on the truck .I'm happy with the height of it and the width fit good too
  19. I use paint from summit racing it looks good and is not that expensive I think what happened was it was a bit wet outside and not that warm so that was against me and this paint has lots of metallic and I have been having trouble with it striping so I went a bit heavy I should have cut back on the paint and went a little lighter on the coats .I did get it set on the frame and it looks good I have to make new stack brackets to move them out and forward to get the sleeper as close to the cab is possible
  20. its bad lol I tried hiding it with lite coats it didn't look too bad till it started to dry I might try wet sanding it after it's dry then buffing if anything it's only one door I can just sand it down and get more paint I used the last I had from painting the truck originally
  21. Gave it its last sanding and got the paint down on it got a run in one door so after I get it on the truck I'll have to take it off and re spray it but it don't look too bad I can't wait to see it on the truck
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