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Mean Green

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Everything posted by Mean Green

  1. How did the extra gauges turn out would like to see some pics I just cut a hole in my dash and got rid of the lighter and added a pryo gauge and yes one small project is never small lol
  2. Looks like you have a Stuart Warner volt gauge I would stick with it I had an amp gauge and it shorted while I was driving and caught the truck on fire was able to pull over and disconnect the batteries had to cut all the heavy wire out of the cab now I just pick up voltage anywhere
  3. Good thing is you didn’t get hurt . That could have been ugly . Truck is looking good stay safe brother .
  4. The small one should be a drain hose back to the block
  5. Bob I replaced the hoses on my canister filter on my 673 one end was flat and 2 bolts clamped it to the block and the other end was male pipe all the fitting were removable I just used black aeroquip line I bought some at work then cut it to length I work at a cat dealer don’t know the part number but it was a common hose we stocked it was identical to what I removed
  6. We could move this over to the trying to beat the high cost of meat topic
  7. My father in law has a farm they board horses and he has some beef cows if he takes them to auction he don’t get any thing for them so he sends them off to the butcher then we will split it with one of my sister-in-law’s so we get half a beef for just the price of the butchering I have a big grinder and meat saw and he wants us to start doing it our selves but we don’t have anywhere to hang it or to store that much meat I have done a few deer but a whole cow seems a bit big for me don’t want to bite off more than I can chew lol
  8. Here’s to you Joey
  9. My 67 chevelle still has a canister filter on it
  10. Yep Bob I’m not real politically correct lol
  11. Bob , Was she a gas station or casino Indian
  12. Thanks for that I’ll have to try that
  13. They are hard to find I’m on the east coast so not much around my axle is light so finding a whole different one would be best it’s my understanding a super liner axle will work or a freightliner fld axle too but some modifications are needed but they fit the fenders
  14. About the weight debate years ago we had a grade all at work that we had rail gear added to it for the customer with this added it was so heavy it had to be permitted to drive it on the road . The company’s idea was to pull the fuel tanks off and put a 20 gallon tank you would have no run time . It all ready had steel hub pilot wheels so I suggested switching them to aluminum. Switched all ten wheels and we were under weight where we needed to be .
  15. Wow Texas that’s too far for me I want to change out the front axle in my b model the rear is all hub pilot so I would like to find a budd axle with brakes or a hub pilot out of something else that would fit
  16. Thanks for the pics Tommy you always do a great job . The Brockway pickup has to be the coolest !!
  17. Those lights look good along the bottom.
  18. Them boys down under got all the cool stuff I got some nice retro jake brake stickers for the hood of the Mack could only find them from Australia
  19. Thanks to everyone who voted I’m not sure when it ends I think some time in October
  20. There are lots of nice rigs on there i was surprised how many were in the antique class
  21. Joey cat sells some good high temp paint it’s not completely flat but seems to coat well and hold up to high heat did my stacks turbo and manifold on the b model
  22. Happy birthday !!
  23. I voted for ya ! Some of the classes have lots of trucks others don’t my b model is in the antique class best of luck !!
  24. He knew how to cut through all the gender confusion 😱
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