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Mean Green

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Everything posted by Mean Green

  1. My dads friend had a 63 1/2 galaxie 427 convertible 4 speed car he bought it new pulled the engine out in the 70 s to put in a stock car that thing sat in his garage for years my dad convinced him to just get it out one day took off the stack of tarps and blankets and low and behold the car still looked new except for the back bumper dad rebuilt the 427 for him ad we stuffed it back in was all original paint and everything then dad told me he sold it I was told local ford garage gave him 80,000 for it cause it was all original even the top and interior .
  2. I’m changing to a spin on filter because I always have to wait for the oil pressure to build when I start it seems like the housing is always dry when I removed it not much oil came out I’ll see if this helps . Also when I removed the plate off of the block I removed the spring and plunger the spring was stuck in the plug when I removed it a bunch of nuts fell out what I can tell somone used the wrong plug witch if the spring didn’t fit right and there would be no spring pressure so I remover the nuts and put in a spacer to put the spring slightly spaced into the plug
  3. Here it is with the new housing I need to get 1 more elbow for the top front fitting
  4. Figured I would start this project today this is before I started I have a remote caterpillar filter base I’m going to install
  5. Sounds like low voltage or possibly a bad switch somewhere it voltage should run through every thing then to solonids so dash switches clutch switch and switch at pump should be checked
  6. Wow that’s something we have big diesel water pumps and they used the dodge couplings that looked like an inside out tire that has a split in it that cool you work there
  7. Dodge couplings may have something we use those for water pumps
  8. That’s good it’s coming along fiberglass is sometimes tough if if got good bones though you will be 👍
  9. Says 88 and newer don’t know what the difference is with an older one
  10. Maby this would save you some headache we used to buy ford hoods off of them they were better than factory Jones Performance in pa
  11. My tank is different than yours I don’t have the grating in the step area you just step on the tank I have a local guy taht has one in his junk yard I’m trying to get the tanks and mounts off of it
  12. I like the dual fuel tanks too I have one on the left and I made a big battery box on the right my scrapper buddy gave me a piece of stainless storm grate I made into a step I hope to find matching tanks and just go dual tanks
  13. It looks good mine has an aluminum one I had to weld a bunch of holes shut then I belt sanded it to flatten it back out I kicked around a chrome one but they all seem too wide
  14. Looks real good !!!!! What happened to the big chrome bumper that was on it
  15. When I built my B I sent pics to a relative of the guy I got it from once it was done I told my wife I wanted to call him and drive it up to him but sadly I got a call that he had passed that week so he never got to see it in person but the fella that I was sending the pics to did get to come to watts to see it . So I would say send a message to the old owner and make his day
  16. Lots of dish soap and the the correct tool makes the windshield strip go in quick that sucks with the glass I did the same thing to my side window made some adjustments and broke it I had put a new wing window and my son pulled it shut and it was not allligned right and he broke it lol
  17. Truck is looking good it’s nice to don’t have to deal with rust that’s the worst
  18. Here’s how you get a chain saw go to Lowe’s buy new Huskey saw 400 dollars buy Lowe’s extended warranty for 3 years run the crap out of saw mine would no longer start at 2 years 7 months take back to store make sure you put the dullest chain you got on it they give me a gift card for 400 dollars take my old saw I go pick a new one and buy a new warranty it costs me 70 bucks for a new saw I’m on my third one like this the lady that worked at Lowe’s told me to do this best decision I ever made it’s not my fault the saw will not last also keep the receipt in an envelope in a safe place cause you will need it if you leave it out the ink dissapears I write on the envelope when the warranty is up so I work the saw extra hard
  19. The first picture should have supply air and the front bowl looking part should have oil in it with a wick to go to shutter stat in water manifold then out of that to shutter cylinder as long as shutters are open your ok I totally removed mine and made a metal grille over the rad it takes a little longer to get hot but I only drive it in the summer
  20. This is reality in our upside down world but I guess if you want a womens job done right get a man to do it lol 😂
  21. Why can’t we celebrate real women the hard working mothers the wives the grand mothers the sisters why do they cram down our throat to celebrate these “fake women “ I feel bad for the real women in sports that have to compete against these guys that say they are women
  22. Our country is in a sad state we have a puppet at the helm men dressed as women trying to sell us beer and stores that have clothing for little kids to say look how gay I am even though I don’t know what that is
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