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Mean Green

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Everything posted by Mean Green

  1. He layed it out for us
  2. I have bought from Chuck before he’s only about 40 min from me got the windshield seal from him good guy
  3. I just hope those are all electric cars in the photo so there is zero emissions and all those homeless people are breathing clean air🤣
  4. The part numbers for the parts I used are 3547383 from caterpillar for the 90 rubber turbo hose and a p601280 Donaldson air filter I just slid the plastic deflector off of it
  5. Do you need the felt tracks that the window rides in restoration specialities in winber pa sells tons of window track and rubber products and are very reasonable with prices they also have fender welting wing window seals they will send samples I bought all my b model weather striping parts there minus the front windshield rubber
  6. Great job Tommy all the pictures look great thanks for sharing !!!!
  7. Got the air cleaner gutted out and converted over to a paper element and got the new air pipe made from the turbo to the fire wall
  8. Great pics Tom keep um coming hope you and the Mrs have a good time
  9. not mine friend sent me this figured I would pass it along
  10. Old Fred there is looking a little thin in the skin
  11. He had a few Mack’s and other trucks I don’t know if he still has them I don’t see anything out by his shop anymore
  12. Bob It’s good to put some faces to the names I actually know Jumper we bought my wife’s 48 Chevy off of him
  13. little guy is ready for truck show season
  14. Ya the wife and I don’t really go anywhere Maby a trip to the beach once a year but that’s it she don’t like sitting at truck shows for hrs we kinda slip in and out of the local car shows here and there
  15. Did you fly in and wher did you stay seems a little steep for my wallet
  16. Thanks Bob I spotted those keys last week on e bay I was the only bidder paid 45 bucks for the pair plus tax and shipping but they look great and I lucked out it’s a identical pair all the others I have seen were singles
  17. We will be at watts this year hopefully I can run into who ever is going
  18. Thanks skydog I would like to but it’s a little far for me and with the little one it would be a tough trip I hope to make it out there when he’s a little older and the wife and I have a better schedule
  19. I like watts show the best probly cause it’s only a 20 min ride there I take the B and wife gets to take her 48 Chevy they always give a nice treat bag with some cool stuff in it and it’s nice day there I don’t usually get to stay long cause the little one gets antsy and wants to leave I feel bad I saw other dog there as I was leaving wish I would have got to say hello it’s hard to tell who on here it’s there cause I don’t know the faces lol
  20. Thanks Harry I think on the air cleaner if I gut it block off where the dirty air comes in on the back and seal it up then cut a hole it the top mount a pipe through it then get a filter that will slide and seal on the pipe so dirty air will come in the middle of the filter and clean will be on the out side
  21. I also got these today found them on e bay figured I lucked out finding a matching set hope to get the ignition switch out and get it re keyed to fit these
  22. ThanksVlad and Bob it’s a work in progress next project I want to do is gut the oil bath filter add a dry element and add a chrome riser pipe to it and get rid of the old oil filter housing and I got a spin on filter assembly with a bypass built in so it’s a little cleaner under the hood
  23. Got the old girl out finally batteries were bad so put in a god used one got all the mounts made for the sleeper and got it bolted down moved the stacks forward and out so the sleeper don’t look to wide got most of the interior in and all new door seals and got all the new door handles on and working as of now I’m happy with it need to sand and buff in a few spots but other than that it’s looking good
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