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Mean Green

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Everything posted by Mean Green

  1. I would take the Delorean go to the past when my dad had all his cool cars when he was younger and tell him to put them in a garage and never sell them
  2. That sounds like a good plan good thing you say the drive line is the same I know I had problems with mine it was miss matched both size and style I ended up getting a yoke to fit the rears and welded it to my driveshaft so now the drive shaft has a smaller press in caps on the front and larger strap style u joint in the rear
  3. That sound about right made it easy to install the cut off
  4. The new ratio will make a world of difference on the highway I did a tandem air ride cut off on my original single axle it rides better and is way faster you don’t feel like your pushing it down the road now and I don’t see why you couldn’t use the entire rear axle with suspension on your frame when I did my swap the frame slid right over my b frame and I dust bolted it together but the new frame was taller than the original
  5. We used to wait till a guy got a new engine done at work he would be cranking and as soon as it lit off we would be smacking the frame with a hammer they would shut it down and jump out of the cab in a hurry hope you don’t have buddy’s like that lol
  6. Lookin good 👍
  7. Parades are the best we took the b model a few years ago in the Kecksburg pa VFD ufo festival we had fun throwing candy and had some green aliens and a saucer on the fifth wheel it’s on u tube . Rubber Duck it’s great they you treat a company truck like your own makes the owner happy and they seem more willing to add some extras on it cause they know you appreciate it .
  8. Wow that thing is clean looks like you should be at a tractor show not out in the field with it lol . Good score
  9. I always look at it this way no one will ever do something and good as I’m expecting them to do it that why Dad always said just do it your self
  10. It would be nice if they could clean out all the one time visit people and fake spam ones
  11. I think I put a big plastic shipping plug in mine and painted over it
  12. Years ago my dad had 2 fords like that with the hoods with the big side grills in them on both sides it’s hard to tell what’s going on with the ford it has the ac on the roof that was correct for 78 but the wrong doors side panels and grille is out of a newer one
  13. It’s a crap shoot any more with tires a lot of it goes into measuring casing height we always checked before we put tires on that the casings were all the same height and we did the whole drive axle at one time
  14. Don’t get me wrong if you use random caps ya we had to do that some times if we were low on tires we did have problems cause I they would cap anything good or bad but we maintained our own casings so we always watched wear and if one did not look good it was scrapped we originally used goodyear steers but we started having the problem of them wearing a sharp edge on the Alcoa rim beads and when you dismounted it would take a chunk out of the bead then cause sidewall separation later or a large air bubble in the bead good year blamed Alcoa on poor material and alcoa blamed goodyear for bad rubber they actually came out and watched me change tires and what lube I used the rims got so bad my dad would weld a new bead on the wheel . Fianly after about a year of back and fourth goodyear did nothing and we scrapped probly 40 virgin casings and went to contenential tires and alco needed up giving us about 30 new wheels
  15. My dad had a fleet of ford ltl 9000 tri axles we ran new steer tires then we had our casings capped up to 3 times as drives and the fourth capping was as tag axle tires we kept track of every tire we owned and kept them rotated for proper wear I used to change all of the by hand . The one good thing we had was stacks of cribbing blocks that we would back up to in the shop and when you put the bed up you could pick up all the drive axles at one time only time we needed a jack was for steer tires
  16. Happy birthday !!! Have a good one
  17. WOW There are days I feel just like that switch
  18. Tommy I had a beautiful 6.0 crew cab f350 loved that truck but I kept loosing all the coolant and it was replaced with diesel fuel did the cups and it still did it only othe thing was cracked heads I unloaded it didn’t want the hassle
  19. It was not that bad to fix some internal sheetmetal parts a new quarter panel a cv shaft and a new wheel and it was good as new 4 grand in parts and they totaled it with only 4000 miles
  20. Prices are crazy on everything my dad in 1974 bought a brand new corvette stingray 4 speed convertible for 6500 he was at his job 2 years and could afford to buy it . I work for the same company he did been there 19 years and Maby I could afford the wheels for a new corvette lol when will it stop . I did buy a 2019 challenger wide body that was 6 months old but hell it had a salvage title and somone had done a donut into a phone pole with it I couldn’t afford one off the lot lol
  21. I put a turbo on my 673 last year I had to add some fuel cause it seemed like it had too much air it was actually running worse with it . Still waiting to see how the head gasket holds up hopefully I’ll have the boost gage and Pryo hooked up this year
  22. Happy Birthday Bob have a great one !!!!!
  23. It drives me crazy that everything they push is now the new normal . I guess we should allow cats in the puppy bowl we don’t recognize real women for the things they do .
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