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  1. Not mine, just saw it and passing it along. https://madison.craigslist.org/hvo/d/mack-truck-with-tree-mover/6514516903.html
  2. Good looking MB600! Here's one I own in Wisconsin.
  3. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Keep a watch for Circus World Museum's Mack AC in this mornings Macy's Thanksgiving parade in NYC. Will be pulling a wagon with Big Apple circus performers. Unloaded about 2am this morning!
  4. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Other-Makes-Mack-B85F-Fire-Truck-Red-1958-Mack-B85F-Fire-Truck-Open-Cab-Antique-Collectible-/191191186226 Someone closer to Florida needs to snatch this truck. I would but am too far away. Good price! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Other-Makes-Mack-B85F-Fire-Truck-Red-1958-Mack-B85F-Fire-Truck-Open-Cab-Antique-Collectible-/191191186226
  5. Another AC that Circus World Musuem in Baraboo, WI uses as a water truck
  6. Hi Matt, this is Lee the restorer of your 49 EH. I will be in your area this summer, probably in Aug. I would like to stop in and see the old girl.

  7. A picture from the "Past Show" display at this year's Chicago auto show
  8. Name: 1949 Mack EH Date Added: Owner: mattwilliams mattwilliams
  9. Name: 1926 Mack AB Date Added: Owner: mattwilliams mattwilliams
  10. Thanks for all the info guys. I will be giving the Mack Museum a call next week to get some more info on the truck. Mike, I used to live up by Stroudsburg,PA not that far from Philly. For Cats I have a D2 toolbar, 2 - D4's with dozers, 2 - D4's with Trackson cable buckets, a wheeled D6, and a Gas 25. Matt Williams
  11. Hi guys, joined the forum after picking up a 1948 EG this weekend. Don't know anything about Macks other than I would like a B model and lowboy someday to take some of my Cat crawlers to shows. Saw this EG and picked it up cheap. A couple questions for you. - Someone put a White engine in, what would be the "correct" Mack engine on this model. - Looks like someone mounted a air tank on the passenger frame, but the truck has hydraulic brake lines. They are going nowhere now. What was the original brake system, hydraulic ? - Is there a way to lookup the s/n EG 1S 6035 and see what the original build was. Someone cut and extended the frame ( not very well) - Looks like there are alot of B model parts available out there. Is there a source for parts on the E's such as window moldings, door mechanisms, etc. I posted some pictures in my album. Thanks Matt Williams
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