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Steve L

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Everything posted by Steve L

  1. Paul I have a E7 exhaust brake setup ( butterfly type) from a CH if I want it and was thinking of doing exactly the same as you mentioned on my E6 350 4valve. The Quantum was a prime mover and I only drove it bobtail, it’s fitted with both ( jake and exhaust) and it really felt like it was going to face plant in the bitumen, it might be a different story with 40 plus ton sitting behind it, will be interesting to compare when it’s going.
  2. Gotta remember Paul, Cummings have larger cubes than an E7 or E6, so in a sense “there’s no substitute for cubes” , we haven’t run the Quantum because it’s still being converted to a tipper so can’t compare yet, The CH E7 jake brake is much stronger than the dynatards on the 350s. Would the 350s brake better if the dynatard was removed and a jake fitted as it looks like exhaust brakes maybe problematic. I wanna be planted in the windscreen haha
  3. I have a 454 Quantum with a jake brake and it also has an exhaust brake, I also have a CH 400 jake brake engine with no exhaust brake, also seen a CH E7 with exhaust brake. Why were the exhaust brakes fitted to some E7 engines, was it noise suppression or did it add to braking efficiency. If it helps braking could I fit exhaust brakes my CH and 2 R model 350 E6s. The 350s both have dynatards.
  4. Without a doubt the 1070b was the best gearbox ever. We have 4 dumpsters, 3 R models and a CH. 2 Rs now have 12 speeds in them and as soon as I can find 2 more rear mount PTOs I’ll replace the RR in the other two, even the CH will get a 12 speed.
  5. Steve L


    Cool, it would have the air to air intercooler mounted on the front section of the inlet manifold then
  6. The 12 speed is the best gearbox ever made, they are easy to drive around town and have even splits between gears. They don’t whine and ring like most 18s, and you can’t kill a 12 even with 500+ hp pulling 100+ ton. The only downside is they are not suited for a dump truck unless you find the right PTO which is near impossible.
  7. They all fit and there’s 3 types. 1st is the pre 1973 R model/flintstone which isn’t extended behind the rear door pillars, if you have short legs it will do, but not original. Next is the extended cab which came out around the same time as coolpowers, also used on the Superliners. Around 1985 a galv cab was introduced. Then came the Valueliner, Mack’s cut off a small triangle below the air cleaners where your Superliner bonnet catches fasten with a angle grinder to suit the set back front axle. I’m presently using a Valueliner cab on my 1981 Superliner restoration which is very rusty, so I need to weld back those cut off pieces which I already have. Good luck finding a cab here in OZ. I ended up purchasing a whole truck just to get a cabin. So all Aussie cabs are basically the same. PS. You could sell me the Superliner and find another. . . . Even more good luck finding a Superliner. cheers Steve
  8. I heard you can add water, how much I don’t know. I have been around discussions where drivers spoke about adding a little water when smurf pee cannot be found, remember we don’t have fuel depots on every street corner. The water prevents the truck derating
  9. Wont affect me eeva guys, real trucks don’t use ad blue and they have a clutch pedal
  10. Where can I get one of those Mack style rear mount pto’s
  11. Where is PAI located . . . I found the kits selling on eBay, might try that. Just not sure how safe buying from overseas on eBay
  12. It sounds like there are still old style lifters about. We had the new ones here in OZ some 30 years ago, so I would have guessed near all would have been replaced by now . I need a PAI E6 rebuild kit and rod bolts. Do PAI sell directly? If not who’s the best to buy from in USA Here Ovlov quoted me over 6000 + tax without rod bolts, they make the kit up with individual parts, no more all in one box. The last kit I purchased was over 10 years ago, it was packed in Mack packaging but was branded made in India, still going strong though.
  13. Yes that is the exhaust port, time for new ‘0’ rings in the gearbox air shift cylinders Scott.
  14. It will be worth a bit if it has a rear mount pto which I have been looking for awhile now
  15. Ole windy, how did your upgrade go
  16. Bugga I’m in Australia so phone is out. . thanks mate
  17. I’ve never heard of a 44 Mack axle breaking either and I have been around road trains and heavy haulage all my life. As for the bud wheels “leave them in the show room” gimmee 6 spoke spiders any day
  18. Thanks guys, I acquired a 13 speed and will convert it now. Just gotta get the E7 400 mechanical fired up as it’s not got much on our E6 350s
  19. Just wondering if a Mack 13 speed can be converted to 18, both gearboxes look the same. Im told some eatons can be changed ( 13 - 18 ) by removing a pin, I have never done this and maybe I’m wrong, hopefully Mack’s will be this easy
  20. Does it have a rear mount pto
  21. Would they have an email address
  22. Bump! . . . . Still looking for a second rear mount pto, does anyone know of or have one steve
  23. Maybe the gear knob got a lot of polishing haha! But really it is a beautiful truck that I would love and be proud to own. Regards the gold/silver ornaments, I had a 72. 237 6 speed maxidyne (all Mack) gold emblem, then a 81. 320 12 speed coolpower (all Mack) the last new Mack I purchased was a 87 maxidyne 300 12 speed (all Mack) that had silver emblems. So Mack’s we’re not consistent with the emblems. I was in Mack’s workshop 67-72 and back then all thermodynes were silver emblems and maxidynes were gold, that obviously went haywire.
  24. Ok it’s on its way
  25. There’s a lot of wear on the gear stick for such low miles
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