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Big R

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  1. I know I should stay out of this but I don’t feel I can. I agree with the Heinz that the generalized comments about the young are a piss off. It is not the fault of the young for the way the world works right now. If things were so much better when Joseph was young that is because of the generation before him. Whose fault is it now I wonder. If he was a young person now he would be no better than the good ones which there are lots of. There was the odd loser when I grew up too but I bet the ratio is the same as now. Let’s try to remember that not everyone on this forum is old and youth is needed to keep it alive.
  2. Looking real good. What paint did you use?
  3. You could use stainless elbows to form the ends
  4. If you think the movie “Deliverance “ is a love story
  5. Also, if you buy a new house and all your relatives come to help take the wheels off……
  6. I do believe you are right. Lol
  7. Heard this one years ago. “If you have curtains in your truck but none in your house ….”
  8. I will check it out thanks
  9. Big R

    Shop Talk

    Joey I haven’t looked at shop talk for awhile I love your truck. Lucky it has such a knowledgeable owner to look after it, I wish it was mine
  10. Thanks brocky. I should stop being so cheap and up my membership. So is it safe to assume it’s an a model if I’m right about the windshield
  11. I will see if I can get more pictures and try to manage some storage so I can send them. I can’t seem to delete old stuff off this site with my phone
  12. Hard to tell from the 2 pictures it’s in but it is a one piece windshield. What years was the a model in production
  13. A friend sent a picture of a truck he came across to day that looks to me like an LJ with an integral sleeper. It has a one piece windshield, I never noticed one like that before. Unfortunately I can’t seem to delete pics to add more. Any ideas on the one piece windshield
  14. I removed threaded ones by carefully tightening chain grips then gentle taps with hammer to turn it. One side might b left hand thread can’t remember
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