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Big R

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Everything posted by Big R

  1. Big R

    Shop Talk

    Only downside to floor heat is don’t set your beer on the floor
  2. What about umodelnut?
  3. If one selenium failed would it not effect two cylinders?
  4. Thanks Larry, I wish mine was air start. Pain in the ass or not mine is for fun. Too bad that thing starts so fast sounds better when it takes longer.
  5. If you figure out part numbers let us know. I might as well fix mine too
  6. I have a water pump I removed a couple years ago from a ends 673. You are welcome to it if you would like to see what you can do without removing yours
  7. Not trying to mess up a threa d but Larry you should post a video of the air start. I love that sound and I’m sure others do to
  8. Our ‘57 b-42 gas job has shutters
  9. Sorry about the pictures not loading the first time
  10. Seen this for sale never seen one like it before. 1955 with an offset cab
  11. Nicely done mr. I would like that at my driveway
  12. Glad u guys enjoyed. I never noticed the other truck spot before, will use it next time thanks Jojo. Ya that’s snow a bit early in my opinion
  13. Not sure if I should post this but I came across some cool old trucks. Might be a bit small for this crowd but very cool just the same.
  14. Nice. Goood to know
  15. Curious if you got a chance to adjust your pump. Wondering how it worked out
  16. Pictures don’t do the chrome justice
  17. How much oil pressure is needed for jakes to function properly?
  18. Thanks Rob.
  19. I dumped the oil out of both boxes on my quad and need to know how much to put back in. Also what oil do u guys prefer?
  20. Thanks for the advice, I think that’s a great idea. I will try that
  21. Ok thanks. I will try that
  22. What pressure would you put on the coolant system I probably should also order some seals for the oil cooler. Are they hard to find Rob? Easy to change?
  23. So we put a clear jug over the vent hose and got no oil only steam. Down in the filler bung I found white cream, so water getting in for sure. I really watched the smoke last time we started it up and it is probably more white than blue. Does this mean it is burning antifreeze? Head gasket? Is there other places it could be leaking? I get what ur saying about it probably being fine, I’m gonna run it the way it is but I like the input so I have a better idea of the condition of the engine.
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