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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. As technology improves at what I think is too fast of a rate, so will the scams. They will also become much easier for the offender to commit and for someone to become a victim. The biggest issue with all this is the phones…For most people everyday tasks are done on them and sensitive information kept on them. There is hardly any physical transactions or interactions anymore.
  2. First would be to check for boost leaks from turbo to intake manifold. Has anyone looked into the fuel pressure? We’re the cups done and old injectors installed?
  3. So who knows what he has.
  4. Late 03 until discontinued the 12.7 and 14 liter had egr. Pretty much like every other engine manufacture.
  5. Unless you have a glutton for punishment, I would just sell the E6 and buy the correct engine for the application/truck.
  6. 2 Naughty Boys….😏
  7. Craigslist is still a thing?
  8. He’s using the expanding collet style
  9. Maybe you could try and blast it a few times with an air hammer. Maybe it will rattle it loose some.
  10. federal government is the biggest scam itself right now, what makes you think they aren’t behind that shit or will do anything about it?
  11. 🤔
  12. Those standby generacs are real nice. Especially if you got natural gas hook up. Power could be out for months and all you have to worry about is the bill.
  13. That thing pry needs a real good load on it to keep it healthy.
  14. Idk if you have neighbors, but if you do and power went out for a while you could charge a hook in fee and tell them they need to supply the fuel. Something along those lines haha
  15. I wonder if anyone has ever tried putting some weld on the inside like a dry liner?
  16. However those were copper…
  17. Tool keep slipping out? I have heard of this issue before but never ran into it. I suspect a lot of carbon build up around it. This guy had same issue, looks like you have to do what you got to do with out damaging the bore.
  18. What tool are using to pull it?
  19. Yea If it’s a “portable” generator. He’s correct about a “standby” generator by law needing a transfer switch.
  20. Unplug it and check for shit on the face of the sensor as well.
  21. Generators are one of those things you buy and hope you never have to use it haha. One of a few things I don’t mind spending good money on to collect dust. Another would be a snow blower….
  22. Damn! Id say you got it figured out! Hell of a write up sir….🍻
  23. I can give you my login for impact if you want. Just need to wait a couple of days.
  24. I believe in rare instances it has caused house fires, but I’d blame that on faulty circuit breaker(s).
  25. Good way too tell a good lineman from a bad one is to see if he has all his fingers.
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