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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. And people from schuylkill county just have a whole different language.
  2. Tell him you want to see all the old ones
  3. Was this “diesel shop” a Mack/Volvo dealership? Most places replace the injectors anyway to keep the guessing out and this kind of shit from happening. Plus it’s more upsell. I really think you could have done it, thanks for the update.
  4. Id suggest talking it to bergeys for issues like this.
  5. Danny! Haha. Maybe he’s a nice creep?Happy new year to you as well!
  6. Don’t forget that bandana wearing creep from counts customs. He was always doing that shit or hanging out the window yelling to pull over.
  7. I see you’re from New Jersey. You don’t happen to be taking this truck to one of the Bergeys truck centers Jersey locations do you? When you had the dpf cleaned did you see what it looked liked before it was cleaned? Did they clean the doc? Go ahead and check all connections on exhaust and intake that you can. You may have an egr valve issue but we can worry about that later.
  8. Guys delete these and 75% of them have more issues and way more expensive ones then they did before. You should hear the sob stories….Then come here looking for help because no one will touch their truck. I’m not gonna get into about how these engines are actually good, been there plenty of times. It’s just the guys that don’t understand them hate them. These trucks all have their issues doesn’t matter what make you buy. To be honest Mack/Volvo seem to have the least amount of issues. These trucks are what they are, would I prefer no emissions??Yes…However not the world we live in so we need to move on from that. If your completing parked regens then your after treatment system is more then likely ok. My suggestion to you is start loading it heavy and running the balls off of it and getting the temps up. If not start looking for exhaust leaks I guess. Or sell the truck and buy an RD etech or CV ASET. You will still find disappointments with those as well.
  9. Honestly if you don’t have PTT your just going to be throwing money/parts at something that I don’t believe is an issue.
  10. Is it mostly stop and go traffic?
  11. Have you been doing the same type of driving?
  12. Also almost always a fault code comes with a dosing block failure.
  13. Ahi module is not needed during passive regen, it is completing parked regens where that does come into play.
  14. If your truck runs cool as it is there is no sense in adding one. Pry never kick on anyway. You would be losing power when it does come on.
  15. These fans don’t take too much when they come on, maybe 15hp? The ones on trucks with emissions say 05 to present cost 40hp to run when locked up.
  16. If it’s completing regens then all is good. It may be just where you’re driving at? Like stop and go….You mentioned in your last topic that when you took the turnpike home it did a passive regen. Passive regen is when the soot can be burned off through normal operating temps and steady driving speeds. No 7th injector needed. Only during active/parked regen.
  17. Ahhh reading anthracite company….also offer over 20,000 acres of the best offroading/atv/mx riding in america. Good old schuykill county….we def got it better over here on this side of the state 🤣
  18. Being that they rob about 40hp, id believe they would make a nice engine brake. When that fan kicks on the front end drops down and feels like you dropped a cruise ship anchor behind you.
  19. And yes a bad injector/injectors can dump fuel into the exhaust
  20. Nope that’s how those fans came
  21. Ok rhinoo you got a small list and an easy one. Radiator, coolant level, pulley condition, and belt tension.
  22. Yea that’s what I was thinking when I read that. Coming from a man that’s supposed to be teaching kids…
  23. Rihnoo before you condemn the fan clutch check the radiator for good flow like mark said and also coolant level.
  24. You were pry the teacher
  25. I’ve also heard to take a roll of newspaper and stick into the fan and see if it stops. Don’t have the balls to do that in the case that it isn’t haha
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