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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Usually when they arnt good they won’t lock up and will have hardly any resistance. However I think you’re making the right move getting a new one.
  2. I’ve heard things like that also but can’t verify. Kind of like leaving batteries on concrete floor drains them?
  3. There’s a little coiled bi metallic strip on front and in the center that expands at a specific temp and opens a valve. Which lets the viscous fluid in and locks up the fan. When cooling has been achieved to specific temp it contracts and fluid drains back as the valve closes. What temp is fan coming on at and how often?
  4. As I said before take care of the egr code and see what happens. You’ve almost replaced the whole fuel system other than eups and injectors. The trucks telling you something and you arnt listening.
  5. And also soot level of a cleaned or new dpf
  6. Yea I forgot that mass air flow code was basically what this was about and not just not completing regen.
  7. You really had me thinking for a min, I was like is it another term for a test light??
  8. Yea, if they are going into the negatives I think that’s a good place to start. Just odd he’s not seeing any fault codes.
  9. Oh flow tester lol
  10. What is a glow tester?
  11. He’s not using PTT by the way
  12. There’s a fuel pressure sensor on the “module” but nothing like that in between. I’m trying to think of this sensor. Hopefully Mackpro or vmac3 sees this, they would be a lot more helpful than me.
  13. Same thing, I’ll see what I can find tomorrow for your truck. Usually bad air dryer will destroy those ahi modules. You seem to do nice diagnostics so I believe your close if not pin pointed to eecu.
  14. Here’s some info on the dosing block. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2022/MC-10209717-0001.pdf
  15. I’ll see if I can find any info on this as I don’t have my username and password written down at home.
  16. The only other thing I could think of would an AHI module. Usually you would get a code for that. You may be right on a eecu. Curious to what you find out. Hopefully someone can help you.
  17. Listen to fjh and Joey Mack. These guys know what’s up. Id like to see @Vmac3 and @Mackpro hypothesis on this.
  18. I don’t think suction lines are an issue as once it gets going it runs fine. However I don’t know much about these AC engines but I think the egr code should be looked at and fixed. Like d-day said check for oil wicking at the harness. This sounds like loss of prime or electrical problem since engine sensors are shorting out and no communication.
  19. I’m all for a compression test, but this def sounds like a loss of prime problem. By any chance does this truck have a davco filter?
  20. It was shorted, it kept the whole truck from starting. No codes either. But yea had a slight miss
  21. Seen a bad eup keep one from starting
  22. Have you attempted to see if there are any fault codes active or not?
  23. I will agree there could be improvements on it. However these issues are very small compared to another red engine. The Cummins isx is/was notorious for head gasket failures and leaking front cover. Also dropped liners due to crooked cut counterbores. These issues seemed to be almost as common as cups. So the MP doesn’t really look to bad if you look at it that way haha.
  24. This has all the part numbers you could need. Good Info too. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2013/SB-10082932-6903.pdf
  25. Those numbers are the same at the Mack dealer. Just saying Volvo changes shit all the time. Your more then likely gonna have to go aftermarket from one of the places Joey mentioned.
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