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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Come on you guys, I know how much hate you have towards this engine (been through this how many of times?) but cups arnt bad. Done one done them all???
  2. They also may have changed but should cross reference.
  3. Remover (88800387)/(88800460) Installer (88800457) Sealer (1161059) These are Volvo part numbers so take that for what it’s worth.
  4. Missed that part haha my bad
  5. Ahhh deleted truck, that info always seems to be left out haha. No wonder you were having a hard time finding someone to work on it. Glad you were able to get some one and appreciate you coming back to let us know what the outcome is. I’m almost positive this will be your fix.
  6. I think I have said this before, but if you guys are looking for hard to find ammo and or just good pricing/shipping https://www.sgammo.com is the place to check out. They are always updating so check often.
  7. Keyless power switch and battery feed disconnect I believe. Should be in operators handbook.
  8. Don’t let these two fool you, they know alot more then they want to know about the red engines. Especially when it comes to cups. I’m a strong believer that you can handle this job if need be.
  9. It’s all good! Us regulars know what you meant! Todd, I recommend a Mack/Volvo dealership and Mack genuine parts. Just like FJH said. However if you really have a hard time finding someone to do the job YOU can do this! Especially if your friend has the tools and you get the procedure. Also JoeyMack, FJH, MackPro, and myself will be here for any help you may need.
  10. You can skip the test, you for sure are a candidate for cups. The cam does not need to be removed but the rocker shaft does. Also injectors can be reused if the sealing areas and non sealing areas on the tip of the injectors are ok. Most people just put new ones in anyway. They just get 6 cups and a 6 pack of injectors even if they only have a couple that are bad. Now if you’re putting in a new injector it needs to have a new sleeve/cup regardless.
  11. Damn this is awesome, good for you! Yea I’m with you on the wanting to move with more land and privacy. I’ll wait it out for a while no rush. However land/privacy is becoming a lot more scarce out here in Chester county.
  12. I have a shepherd service manual at work I can look into more about this tomorrow if you want. That was just something I came across on the internet real quick.
  13. 1. Your steering gear has manual plungers if you can back them out of the plunger hole with a small flat-bladed screwdriver. 2. Manual plungers are turned all the way in from the factory for minimum wheel cut. Adjust the plungers IN to decrease wheel cut, adjust OUT to increase wheel cut. Use a long, flat bladed screwdriver. 3. Start the engine and let it run at idle speed. Ensure the axle stops are set for maximum wheel cut with a minimum of 1" clearance between the tire and any part of the chassis. 4. With the full weight of the vehicle on the ground, have a helper turn the steer tires full left. Check the gap between the axle stop and the axle on the left steer tire. If it is greater than 1/8" adjust the plunger out (counter clockwise). Adjust the plunger in the end of the gear which the piston has moved toward. If the stop is touching the axle try turning the plunger in then recheck it. NOTE: The plungers are fine thread so it may take several turns to get them properly adjusted. Do not back the head of the plunger out past flush with the end of the hole. The plunger could be ejected from the gear. 5. After making an adjustment, center the steering and recheck the gap at the axle stop. 6. When the steer tires have been turned back and forth about 4 times, rubber will accumulate under the tires and make setting the plungers difficult. Roll the vehicle ahead or back about 1 foot and recheck the gap at the axle stop. 7. Turn the steer tires full right and adjust the opposite plunger for the gap at the right side axle stop using the same procedure. Once the relief plungers are set, no further adjustment is necessary unless tire size or wheel offset is changed.
  14. Agárrate, alguien que sepa que puede ayudar pronto. Jugaré al traductor.
  15. Onyx... ¿Estás traduciendo o preguntando? Si no recuerdo mal... son conjuntos de cubo/ro rotor... Buena suerte buscándolos...
  16. http://www.roadranger.com/ecm/groups/public/@pub/@eaton/@roadranger/documents/content/rr_tmib-0124.pdf
  17. Please do! I like seeing peoples working space, tools, and trucks.
  18. translating haha
  19. Someone could tell me if they have the dimensions of these discs to look for an alternative, thank you in advance, I have the same problem of not finding a generic for this disc.
  20. Let’s see more pics of the place! I want the tour….can’t stop there with that clean and organized plumbing setup picture.
  21. Yea that radiant floor heat is great. It’s too good. You get hot quick! Our lower garage that all the Mack’s go in has that. When putting tire chains on, that heat will have you down to your underwear in no time.
  22. Yup, and if it’s hooked up check the fuse or for broken wire/bad connection. More then likely left off like Pro said.
  23. Idk why that’s still hooked up? That would be the first thing I’d get rid of….Also maybe contact the company that you bought it from and figure out what the deal with it is and how to not make it an issue to yourself anymore.
  24. What that is could be his problem...It’s a gps tracking device that also has anti-theft.
  25. Your welcome. It’s a common question. However it’s a good question with that kind of temp difference. The truck will let you know when it gets too hot.
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