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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Take a picture of the air compressor if you could.
  2. Nope mech started it!
  3. I think it’s the ass cheek that kind of gives the age range? Either way I’m sure she’s got plenty of experience 😏
  4. Well the guys she’s with is happy with it, hopefully he’s not a member 🤣
  5. Poor lady…she was just out for a good time and happened to get got caught in other dogs cross fire and now is getting trashed on BMT haha
  6. that’s because they dont need them, the only time young’ns used them was to burn ants. 🧐
  7. 🥸 I was waiting for that comment haha, I have contacts and yes my prescription is up to date. I think that thing needs a better light.
  8. Ok that’s the one I have. A lot of times I have a hard time seeing what I’m looking at on it.
  9. That turbo oil return has alot oil coming out very fast and it’s close to the top of that pipe.
  10. You need to change your name to “offtopicohaulic”
  11. Your name was dropped again today for off topic 🤣 I believe it was in cylinder pressure out intake.
  12. Oh and a adjustable!
  13. Hahaha, you arnt kidding with the amount of damage and money on one of those engines. I think the ripping and tearing just comes with maturity and experience. Id imagine these are younger guys? I was the same way at that time. Favorite tools were pry bar and hammer haha
  14. Yea, however ptt is like working on these engines. You have to do it all day everyday to even become somewhat good at it. That’s not my case haha.
  15. Do you guys have engines that can be torn down, rebuilt, and then ran?
  16. Usually do a good job at bugging themselves and no need for human intervention
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Looks to be small class so lots of good learning going on. Should be some great “techs” coming out of there. And true story on PTT “when it does work” haha
  18. Do all those trucks run? What are there purposes?
  19. Thanks for sharing V, look forward to any other pictures you may post in the future!
  20. Agreed. Ours run very good and efficiently. It’s amazing those trains even run like that and also don’t melt parts.
  21. He’s got enough info now that he can figure out what to do.
  22. Yup, so we can both agree this fan needs to be sent back and replaced.
  23. It’s not just soviet trains either
  24. Trains in the us smoke good too. They keep rebuilding the GE engines so they don’t have to switch to emissions. Also federal government isn’t going to screw with them since that’s how tomorrow moves
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