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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. maybe some teeth on the cam gear need to be inspected? Maybe they broke or rounded over and jumped time?
  2. Fjh did and that’s a legit issue
  3. V is online right now so make good use of his time 😁
  4. It def seems like a timing issue. But you would see that on all cylinders I believe.
  5. I don’t know much about this Vmac, but the whole time timing has been screaming at me!
  6. If spring pressure was down a good chance turbo boost could push one open
  7. Do some people not read all the posts anymore!? (Sorry Joey i had to delete the last post your responding too because I quoted the wrong one.)
  8. Yup, i did find out today that our good buddy Vmac3 is a very good professor for Mack/Volvo in Toronto. Worked a lot of years busting his ass at the dealership and is now a teacher at institute sponsored by Mack/Volvo teaching kids the CORRECT way.
  9. And why are you riding three in a cab lol? There’s only two seats….Get a sleeper box.
  10. Good thing it’s not a manual transmission for the guy In the middle 😏Are you the owner of this company or just a disgruntled employee that has to drive these shitboxes? Maybe a Volvo would be better?
  11. This one has me interested for sure. Excited to see what you find, hopefully a rag or something dumb and not expensive. In the words of Joey Mack “you got this!”
  12. haha I actually had to think about that one
  13. Bet that girl in the brown top never thought she be on a Mack Truck forum.
  14. Look at it this way, people pay a lot of money to make their trucks be able to do that. If you find out what causes it you could be rich!
  15. If I remember correctly a 350 etech is around 25-28 psi max. Maybe 30 psi at highest on a cold day loaded.
  16. 🤣🤣🤣
  17. Binary code! Isn’t 10 two?
  18. Need to get those wheels polished F. Hahaha ok back to the welder 😩
  19. But I was the one that liked your backyard
  20. Where’s mech at!? He’s the one that’s supposed to take topics in completely other directions….
  21. “They/them” ? Was I politically incorrect?
  22. Lmfao! Did you apologize to him? How was the front?
  23. And truck wheels as to run the saw blade!
  24. I seen the saw and maul on it and figured it was firewood machine haha. That’s a cool saw mill, love your backyard
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