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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Need to look like the Gordon’s fisherman to use it apparently
  2. This is 100 percent true. Most people tend to treat shit they own a little different…
  3. Ill post pics next year when the clear coat and paint is all coming off
  4. Curiosity on this one so I went and checked it out. This one is zep-a-lume. it’s different than all that stuff. Hydrofluoric, sulfuric, and phosphoric acids haha. Not to be used on anything but aluminum apparently.
  5. I think that’s the stuff I saw laying around. Takes your breath away and burns….
  6. This stuff isn’t your Napa aluminum brighter. I’ve seen gallon jugs of this zep concentrate laying around and it’s like phosphoric acid or some shit. I’m no detailer but I’m pretty sure that stuff has no place on paint or rubber.
  7. That is pretty bad EM, haven’t seen that yet. Tell the salesmen to make it right or your gonna slap the shit out of him with it.
  8. Our 2018 GU713 (newest one we have) the weather stripping at the window glass has disintegrated in spots. Not many miles on it either. However idk what these guys use to clean these trucks when they do….this is the same truck I saw aluminum brightner being sprayed all over it one day…🤔
  9. Let’s see under the hood!
  10. this stuff, not sure how it works but it does….
  11. There’s also a powder you can dip the tip into as well and it puts a point on it, need to get the electrode hot first. We have a millermatic 355 at work that handles the big three welds. Amazing machine.
  12. I’ve been messing with that tig when I get free time and god damn it’s hard. There’s sooooo much that goes into it. Cup size, electrode length/thickness, the type of point on it, and soo much more. Not for me….
  13. Plasma cutters are awesome. Can be a pain setting it up all the time if you don’t have a permeant spot for one.
  14. Sounds like it was worth the money after all, good to hear. Now you will be looking for shit to weld all the time!
  15. Set back axle? Turning radius is pry pretty good.
  16. cool truck, should have posted them in here!
  17. GTO over any of the others for me
  18. Same gun I was thinking about just doesn’t have that function. That’s a really nice gun, I like it a lot.
  19. Haha this is true as well. Is the gun on this Miller blue and can hold like 3 different settings? Like speed, wire, and heat. I couldn’t get the pictures to work.
  20. How do they not have 35 tips!? For a welder they sell….
  21. How about some pics!?
  22. Millers are nice. You’ll pry never have to buy another one again. Keep looking for the switch, there has to be one out there somewhere. Then you can sell it and get some money back. Is a mig, tig, and stick welder as well?
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