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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Fjh, it’s an ASET
  2. Spin off a fuel filter to see if it’s full.
  3. Got lucky on that one haha. I remember the mode box is a job
  4. Mode box is pry bad. It’s been a while so I’ll have to look In the book tomorrow for you.
  5. This is amazing! Thanks for sharing….anymore pics/vids of this monster!? Nice glider.
  6. Since more info is coming out with every post, I’m gonna suggest you put a tandem pump on it and see where you are at. Sounds like it needs it anyway if it’s coming out of the weep hole. If that doesn't fix it then prepare to get your wallet out.
  7. How cool would that be to been able to snag one of those! Little did you know then….
  8. Post the link
  9. Very good possibly they were marine as well. wish there was more info/vids out there on these engines.
  10. Looks like it’s been talked about on here before. Only decent info I could find on the E9 quad.
  11. There was also an E9 quad turbo engine, I think they went into tanks.
  12. No they never made it that far. Sucks, would have loved to hear one of those.
  13. The old “make it someone else’s problem” Those customers pry voted for the shitbag too.
  14. Also I believe there is a check valve in the head to prevent that as well. MackPro or FJH can correct me on any of this if I’m wrong.
  15. If it’s coming out of the weep hole the tandem pump assembly needs replaced. That should not cause hard starts as it’s before the filters. The filter stand has anti drain back valves in the fuel filter nipples.
  16. Not to sure why there is such a difference in road quality from county to county.
  17. all those guys sleeping are full time employees. I happen to know a few people that went through the ARD program and were never told where to do their community service (not saying what you’re saying isn’t true). The only thing the state cares about is getting paid from their screw up. I say this because if you are able to pay your fines all at once on the day of your court hearing the community service is dropped haha. It’s same bullshit as the emissions stickers in this state. It’s not about clean air it’s about money. If your vehicle fails emissions and you can show that you have spent at least $150 on emissions related repairs you become exempt for a year haha. Also if what your saying is true then most people would have to take a week off from work and sleep a 40 hour week at penndot and be done since all you have to do is 40 hours for the maximum. Seems penndot is pretty much the same across the state for the most part I guess. Up near Mark T and counties like Bradford, Potter, Centre, etc. they do some serious work and good work too from what I have seen. I feel like the county (Chester) that I’m in is like a retirement home for these guys. I’ll keep an eye out for more photo opportunities haha. I challenge you or anyone else in the state of PA reading this to do the same
  18. You can clean the egr cooler too but it doesn’t always work either. However I like fjh test. I’m gonna say clean the sensor first then see what happens. If that doesn’t fix it then try the test fjh suggested. Check for wetness as well while your in there.
  19. Possibly a bad diff sensor, clogged cooler, or clogged venturi tube. If your valve was stuck open it pry put a lot of soot in the cooler or venturi tube.
  20. Batteries good? Connections good?
  21. Protects the starter from overheating. If the eecu sees excessive crank time it knocks off the ground circuit for the starter relay for about 30 seconds.
  22. Also if this is the case then the engine wouldn't crank over since the eecu provides ground for the starter relay.
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