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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. The flywheel. I never saw any marks. I just bolted it up after I got it back from the machine shop.
  2. Names Andrew guys….🥰
  3. I’m just pissed I put that damn thing on wrong. It’s been two years but still…god damnit. Makes me wants to take it all apart and do it right. Ughhh
  4. We understand that, but how does he find 45 degrees. I didn’t see any marks on the flywheel and randomly threw back on…I wasn’t aware this mattered. Truck does run fine though somehow…
  5. You and I are about to both learn something….fjh is here, he will lead the class haha
  6. It’s slowly coming along Joey.
  7. I wasn’t aware that this needed to be timed. When I did the trans/clutch on an etech I just put the flywheel on after it was resurfaced. Well shit…🤔
  8. I’ve taken them off with 1/2 air impact
  9. https://f01.justanswer.com/HeavyEquipmentTech/7977f3ec-83db-47e4-9d6a-f6babf391cd7_Mack_Engine_pos_sensor_bulletin45-sb221037.pdf
  10. Did you ohm the new sensor? Just to see where it’s at? Check all the wiring?
  11. Has this started since the flywheel?
  12. I believe you want see a code if it’s occasionally a quick intermittent issue. It has to be un happy for a little while to log one. I believe…..
  13. 😊
  14. Agreed, that’s what I was thinking when I mentioned the sensors. Maybe a break in one of the wires and maybe a bump in the road quick move it enough to cut out briefly?
  15. FJH doesn’t like the oil cooler just because! Hahaha. Yea I agree with you that the etech was the start of the ending. It was an awesome engine no doubt, but this was the start of the time period where emissions regulations were changing and quickly every few years.
  16. In all fairness the MP had cam issues too like you had mentioned earlier. Man you must had been rolling in money with that kind of pace. All the older guys were pry telling the service writer “give those cam jobs to the young kid”
  17. Got to ask, any previous work done to the compressor or aux shaft before this?
  18. Joey didn’t the etechs have cam issues? Also something called “etech squeak” I think it was from a roller dragging on the cam lobe.
  19. Wonder why they never did make a atleast a 500hp option…pry would have sold a lot of them and would have been in the same class as some of the big bore 15 liter engines.
  20. Yea im gonna have to sleep on this, I am determined to come up with a list!
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