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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Haha no offense taken, I honestly thought it was one turn but I couldn’t remember. Now I def know….
  2. The speed sensor code can cause a derate in HP.
  3. Engine position sensor has the shims. The speed sensor is turned in until bottomed out and then back out half turn.
  4. For some reason I think there were some etech ccrs engines floating around before 02.
  5. Sometimes the check valve will have a metal bracket around it and it says “check valve” or it’s a large elbow fitting with an arrow on it.
  6. I look forward to this one, I hope you get plenty of info on this…
  7. Someone whacked that drivers side mirror pretty good haha. Plus side on these RDs is that Mack can still get you anything you need for them. A lot of Mack dealers still keep a lot of RD parts in their shop. It’s because they are still sooo many on the road.
  8. Looks like it needs a wheel seal in the one picture of the brake shoe, other then that it looks very solid.
  9. https://www.wilcoxtrucksales.com/Inventory/?/listing/for-sale/209001579/2000-mack-rd690s-dump-trucks-heavy-duty-trucks?dlr=1&lo=1&accountcrmid=358146&settingscrmid=358147
  10. We have that same truck but a six wheeler and a Maxitorque 5spd. To be honest it’s probably my favorite truck to drive out of all of them.
  11. To add to Joeys comment on draining some oil, you could also get an oil analysis done on it too.
  12. I believe another use for that valve is when your owner operator and hauling someone else’s trailer you use it to slow the truck down using the trailer brakes 😏
  13. Ahhh ok that is probably what it’s for then. Yes the brake lights come on when the trolly valve is used. I use that to check brake lights when doing state inspection.
  14. No it is not, other trucks have a trolly valve but they are newer so different style/location of the treadle valve. The truck I’m talking about is a 2002 rd688s 10 wheeler dump.
  15. One of our trucks has that double check valve but no trolly valve.
  16. If it is that would make sense because he does do a lot of that.
  17. Yea I was wondering the same thing when I saw that.
  18. I’d say you could easily tackle the job. Those u bolts don’t get torqued anymore then what your half inch can do.
  19. Yes!!!! That truck is sick!
  20. Perfect!
  21. Start at 3:10
  22. Make sure to change the breather out when you service the rear.
  23. Bevel gear compartment and power divider
  24. What he has is called a “full taper leaf spring” and what you are used to seeing is called a “multi leaf spring” I believe the newer Mack’s use the tapered style now. Our 2018 granite has them. They seem to have a lot of bounce going down the road. All the other trucks we have are the multi leaf.
  25. Idk if it’s just the picture but the bottom 3 springs don’t look to be inline with the top one. I know those clips never touch but it looks like it might have a slight spread to it.
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