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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Good chance it’s bushings then, we had an RD with a multi leaf spring setup and that’s what it felt like when the bushings went out. Let us know what you find tomorrow and we can go from there.
  2. Good solid piece of wood and how ever long you need to to get between the tire and frame. Once you turn the wheel into it the distance will close. Your just using the power steering to help you move the axle beam which would show a loose spring pack or bushings If worn. It won’t hurt anything as long as the wood isn’t on like a abs modulator valve or something haha.
  3. Usually that top rod going through them break off. I’d imagine that if your springs are shifting the sides of that “bracket” would be bowed out. They just help keep the springs centered during shipping and install I believe. Mack says if they are broken it’s not a problem.
  4. You can put a piece of wood on the inside of the top of the tire between it and the frame. Have someone get in the truck and turn the wheel into the wood and you watch the springs for movement. If the spring pack jumps or clunks it’s the bushings
  5. There should be two clamps on either end of the springs. They were for shipping purposes I think. They are square. They can break from shifting, rust, or just abuse.
  6. If those grease fittings were neglected it’s a good chance your bushings could be gone. Joey is right about them shifting and trying to re tighten them. Doesn’t cost anything for those couple of tests. Hopefully they just need tightened.
  7. You can jack the front up or on the ground and put a block of wood between the frame and tire. Use the power steering to push into it and watch the springs for movement.
  8. Does it kind of feel like the whole truck shifts to one side when turning along with a thud?
  9. Sounds like an injector, especially since you said there was dirt in it. Have you tried swapping it to another cylinder to see if your problem moves? Also are you using new fuel lines and to the correct torque?
  10. It all depends on what is easiest to get too.
  11. You need a fitting that will go into the dryer where that steel braided line goes into and will also allow for you to put your air fitting into it. They are JIC fittings. I do that and also this.
  12. I have a feeling it will be back, atleast I never get that kind of luck.
  13. And it’s been the coldest yet…🤷🏻‍♂️
  14. I wouldn’t worry about the ABS, especially for your use.
  15. Also make sure it has a decline to the dryer
  16. Dry liner vs wet liner install/removal are completely different…
  17. The maxidyne apparently had the “ability to increase both fuel charge and air supply when engine speed was decreasing” A little bit of info here. http://www.tyldenheritage.com.au/uploads/9/3/0/6/9306704/maxidyne.pdf
  18. Not a maxidyne but mostly same concept while saving fuel…plus some cool info! http://www.tyldenheritage.com.au/uploads/9/3/0/6/9306704/econodyneengines.pdf
  19. ATCA Mack Days in Lititz, PA. This is the Gerharts show Brocky mentioned. Here’s just one quick video I found from there. I had no idea Blair had a couple of superliners…
  20. 30 ft/lbs I believe. I can get that for sure tomorrow. Im sure the job is done….
  21. What did your issue end up being?
  22. Is the fuel good? Not frozen/gelled? If you had any water in the fuel it could have froze and plugged up the lines. Just some possibilities. Get the truck inside somewhere warm to sit for a bit.
  23. I keep telling myself “one of these days” every time I see one of these old trucks, but I need to get something sooner then later before “one of these days” and there all gone. How much longer until they do another one of those “cash for clunkers” on these old diesels/trucks and destroy them. I’m shocked it hasn’t happened yet. I know it would cost them way too much money to do that program for trucks. At the same time too money isnt an issue when you just keep printing it/pass it onto the tax payers.
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