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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Was done very nicely from what we can see. Would make a cool flatbed truck. Be awesome to get the life story on some of these old trucks. Especially ones with 250hp.
  2. Yea hopefully that’s all it is! Let us know what you find out tomorrow. Hopefully that’s where it ends, if not we can get it figured out one way or another!
  3. If you can’t get a chamber take one off another wheel and try it on that one
  4. Were you able to get the pads out of it and inspect all the boots and stuff like that? It’s starting to sound like a bad chamber to me if all else is working as should be.
  5. Have you put a new chamber on it? If the caliper is good and all its workings there really isn’t much left.
  6. Also tighten down till the pads just make contact with the rotor and back off three clicks
  7. The slides should move freely with the chamber on it. Did the problem start when you replaced the brake chamber? Make sure the slides are good and tappets are moving good too
  8. Happy new year! 🍻🍾🎉
  9. Yup your looking good, actually a little low like Joey said. Normal for those to go 200 and the fan come on and suck that gauge down to about 185. Usually when pulling a good hill loaded.
  10. Does it move freely on the guide pins?
  11. Did you back the pads off? Sounds like you need a new caliper…
  12. Good call Joey, how many miles are on the truck, what kind of truck is it, and anything previously done to it before this started?
  13. Sounds like good fuel pressure to me. I’m assuming you have Premium tech tool?
  14. That’s a real nice find, would love to hear what that 250hp straight piped sounds like…paint was done nicely just bad colors, unless your a packers fan…
  15. Not too much info to go off of yet, but I believe 50-55 psi is the idle fuel pressure. Have you checked pressure under load? Maybe a fuel pressure regulator?
  16. Plus v8 diesels are very wide. Inline just tall.
  17. Must be a reason almost all diesel engines are inline. inline good for torque, great piston to crank orientation (straight up and down) and each piston connected to a different spot on the crank. True push/pulI…I heard the E9 had its fair share of issues. I also hear that it’s extremely hard to find parts for them today.
  18. I find it to be more common for an E6 to be under the hood then the E9. Just from the ones I’ve seen around. Every once in a while you get to see/hear that awesome v8!
  19. There was E7s in them too, but that one was an E6 if it was late 80s.
  20. Sooo cool
  21. Sure I have a few, first one is a guy cleaning the inside of his windshield with the windshield washer at the gas station. And the seconds are a decent looking Pete that came to my work. I can’t believe I said that….
  22. Also needs to be retired. We HATE The Steelers on this side of the state. A little frame 38 +p has a nice kick. Actually a decent setup, never thought of that…
  23. hahaha, eagles suck this year and pry a few more years to come! Brady looks like hes getting ready to have another repeat…I bet belichick and the fans are really missing him now…😉
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