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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. Hope it wasn’t a Brady jersey 🤣
  2. And Birria tacos are amazing!
  3. Oh the things to look forward too…
  4. “MILF light” Lmao….I wouldn’t have any problem with that light coming on!
  5. Two awesome dogs there!
  6. Merry Christmas to you guys 🍻
  7. Under hp 10 wheeler in my opinion, if it’s pushing coolant it’s more then likely a head gasket or liners. Clearly check the easy stuff first. We had one with a bad fan clutch and rotted radiator and it was setting off the Alarm/Shutdown light. Guy still finished his 45 min long salt route with 15 tons of salt on and kept pushing the rocker switch to keep it from shutting down and never pushed any coolant out.
  8. Im assuming this is a cv712 six wheeler?
  9. It’s a granite so AI unless there was some AC that I was unaware of?
  10. Probably the fan clutch, open the hood and rev the engine up watch the fan. The fan will look like it’s working good at idle. When you rev the engine it will slow down or almost stop if it’s bad.
  11. More information please
  12. Bad injector(s)?
  13. White smoke can also mean low compression
  14. They run good for a 300 and 370hp. The E-techs we have…id take them over ASET if I had the option.
  15. Listen to Joey…We have three AI engines at work in dump trucks ranging from 03-05. We haven’t had any issues with them at all and those boys can test a truck out. They don’t get ran every single day like most trucks but its definitely made up for when someone’s in the driver seat. I swear Mack should send us trucks to test out…
  16. We had gotten a quote from a place on a 1998 RD and for some reason 40k sticks in mind. That very well could have been a I don’t want to do it price….However it was from a frame and alignment shop. Also that was about 5 years ago too.
  17. Idk where you are located but if you want to feel a lot better about yourself come see some double wall frames from the northeast, or I could send you some pictures….😄 But by looking at those last frame pictures I believe your already living it.
  18. I guess we can all tell who he voted for 🤣 the old “make it someone else’s problem”
  19. Yup those are the cracks. Never seen them that bad. Problem with these frames is once the rust starts there isn’t much you can really do about it. It just spreads like cancer. That’s just my opinion. New rails would be the only way to go depending on money and how long you plan on keeping the truck.
  20. Yup and sounds like a salesman…last time I checked the operator is responsible for safe operation of the vehicle and load…
  21. Once you hear what sounds like a 9mm going off in the shop and later you find the head of a bolt far from the truck that looks like it came off the frame. Then it’s time to maybe start thinking about it….Also when they get bad you will start to get horizontal cracks develop on the bottom of the frame where it starts to bend in and the two frame rails will push away from eachother.
  22. That’s one of the best looking double wall frames I have ever seen.
  23. That first last six vin is what I looked it up under. Odd you weren’t able to see it.
  24. So what happens then? I’ve had Mack get use parts that were in this situation before. Never a harness though.
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