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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. You also have been around before etech days from what I remember so it’s not like the MP is the only thing you were raised on…what a gift you have haha.
  2. How do you know/remember all this?
  3. Do you understand that link I posted?
  4. If you need a visual lots of vids on YouTube. I won’t be back to work until Tuesday so I don’t have all that info right in front of me right now.
  5. https://f01.justanswer.com/wtolkson/55279847-8564-43e3-9240-80e424ce2bf3_MP8.pdf
  6. Good job! That didn’t take too long. Glad you attempted yourself.
  7. If you’re torquing the rocker arm shaft down sounds like you’re almost done!
  8. Sorry I missed you on that haha. I will try to be more tentative from here on out knowing that your busy with this job.
  9. Onyx610

    PTO Pump

    You can find these anywhere, just need to find the size you need and speed your gonna run at. Most manufactures have a chart to go by. So only YOU really KNOW what your looking for.
  10. Has this problem started after you did the work? Have you check the fuel delivery system for any leakage?
  11. I thought you did all the cups on this truck?
  12. Start with checking fuses/relays.
  13. Start with checking for charge air leaks like Joey said. There are a few checks you will be able to do, but without Premium Tech Tool your more then likely at a loss.
  14. You can also write the numbers down off the injectors and what cylinders they are in and take it to a place that has it and they can enter them in.
  15. There’s one more tool you may need to get. Do you have Premium Tech Tool? Your gonna need it for the injector trim codes. Other then that go ahead and get started a handful of us will be here to help you as you need it.
  16. The issues I mentioned earlier won’t always give a CEL. Do you have anymore info on the issue? Was anything done to the truck before this started? Anything done to try and fix this issue? What kind of transmission? Deleted? etc.
  17. Ones a fan speed sensor code. Ones a daytime running light code, and the other is a DEF quality sensor code I believe.
  18. Two things come to mind. Sticking turbo actuator/nozzle ring. Or possible EGR valve issue.
  19. 33psi
  20. Onyx610


    Post the code
  21. Yea I was wondering about the threads too
  22. Check out the roller on it and see what it’s looking like.
  23. What year trucks?
  24. Yes since that’s the turbo it uses duh! Haha
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