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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. From what I can remember I think red is correct with the s300. Let me take a look at one of our RD688s 350s turbo tag tomorrow morning.
  2. You can call Mack and give them the last six and they should be able to tell you what came on the truck. Also You can tap into it there. One of the other guys might have a better spot. red is correct on the turbo, most guys put that on and pair it with a set of bigger injectors.
  3. Any chance you can put a gauge on it and get some boost pressure readings? Might be a good place to start. Along with fuel pressure like you said. I believe it’s 70-100psi
  4. JoeyMack, are these the ones where the gear would spin on the shaft? Or were those only the e-techs?
  5. yea your right
  6. Make sure it’s Mack/Volvo or you will be crying twice!
  7. Well I guess get a pump ordered tomorrow, maybe see what some of the “pros” think before that. You know who they are haha.
  8. Since you don’t have any help, go get a long piece of hose for your gauge so that you can read it from the cab when cranking.
  9. Correct
  10. Propane torch
  11. Try heating the head around the nut 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. Curious to see what happens, I wonder if the code just needs cleared or will go out with so many key cycles. Not sure, I’m sure someone will have that answer.
  13. Would another decent test be to pressurize the fuel system at the tank and see if it holds pressure or drops off?
  14. Quick thought I had, have you tried to get it going on ether? Maybe see if once it gets going it keeps going or falls on its face. That might tell you if it’s electrical or fuel related. Idk just an idea
  15. Wow that’s such an evil idea but a good one too if destroying someone’s truck was your motive!
  16. Disregard my last post then
  17. Also out of curiosity is this truck parked outside? Anyone that would want to mess with you? I find it pretty odd that it was running perfectly fine and then left for a week or so and then it fired up, ran bad, and then quit. If that’s all the case then take a look in the fuel tank….
  18. Ok…how about some more info on this problem? Are you getting fuel? Have you checked fuel pressure?
  19. Agreed, but as stupid as you feel when you find out it’s a fuse your very relieved haha. Check the simple stuff first stupid!
  20. This is so true, I’ve heard of modules being replaced and ended up being a bad fuse.
  21. This is gonna sound really odd, but how are the batteries? I’ve seen batteries do some weird 💩
  22. Ok cool, hopefully that’s all it is. Post back with what you find out. Im curious.
  23. Sorry about those numbers I gave you, I was in the book the other day for some sensor ohm readings and for some reason that number kept coming to mind. Not sure why….Anyway let us know what you find out and we can go from there. Hopefully it’s just a bad sensor. 🤞🏻
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