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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Onyx610

  1. HE500Ve for the mp10/d16?
  2. Those should be doable. Maybe post in parts wanted for sale? There’s a lot of guys with e6 s on here. I think 67rmodel has one for sale
  3. She will be next on the list. Maybe the new stuff was found today but there was stuff before. Just couldn’t have the news talk about it and mess with midterms. Not that it matters. They cheat anyway and not like anyone is on the fence for who to vote for anymore. Your either on one side or the other and nothing is gonna change your mind.
  4. Stuff was found before midterms. Just decided to release it after, imagine that. It’s the Dems doing it, they want that dude gone too after he said he was gonna run again.
  5. Man you’re kicking this things ass!
  6. Do all 6 if you got the money. Nothing to worry about after that and know your good to go for a long time.
  7. Keep the pics/vids coming! This will be a fun one. There’s a lot of good help on here and alot have commented already. theakerstwo is a wealth of knowledge. If he hasn’t seen it, it hasn’t happened…haha
  8. I like the idea of checking the boost pressure sensor. When exactly did this issue start? After cups?
  9. You got this man! I wish you the best of luck. By the way this project sucks without pics! Haha
  10. every time I do something with a clamp it gets a new one. Especially on the exhaust. I think that’s common practice anyway.
  11. Thanks for posting that masterwelder. I already got mine and 82 dollars isn’t bad from mack. Also thanks Pro for posting this. I rely heavily on you and some others (they know who they are) on this website for tips, tricks, and info. I work by myself and am self taught so things like this are greatly appreciated!
  12. Clamps “free” it’s on the truck 😉
  13. That good booze was pry a contributing factor to all this…Been there too.
  14. This is how the guys at the dealership have the other end of it set up. No need to go that hardcore with the setup.
  15. Clean!
  16. Looks like maybe the TPS is active and should be looked into first
  17. Looks like those codes are not active
  18. I guess you will be replacing the air lines and ahi after all. Expensive and alot more work because of a 50 dollar filter.
  19. That’s one of those tiny wabco driers isn’t it?
  20. Ahh the old air dryer strikes again, I have seen that too. I’m not sure on the success rate on doing that. Worth a try…nothing to lose at that point. It’s amazing the truck was still even building air with such a saturated cartridge.
  21. What we working on today? Intake manifold?
  22. Ok cool, I won’t have to worry about running into a 10 or 16.
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