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Dusty Vic

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  1. I have a generator, starter, air compressor, and transmission from a 1952 A56 with an en 510 gas engine. They all worked about a year ago when I ruined the heads on the engine. If anyone is interested let me know and we’ll figure out how to get them to you.
  2. Can anyone tell me if a 540 is basically the same as a 510? Will the engine bolt up the same, will the accessories mount the same ext. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  3. It’s been confirmed, I am a dumb A$$. Today I putt studs back in the bolt holes and putt water in the engine. It immediately started leaking, as I was afraid of. Worse than that thought it was leaking inside a couple of the exhaust ports. If anyone has a pair of heads for a en510 I’m in the market.
  4. Those are shoes kind of like a flip flop or a sandal that just has a single strap across the top. You just slide your foot in.
  5. Thanks, Paul that’s what I was afraid of. Too make it worse I didn’t notice on the first head until after I did it to the second head. Well at least I learned something today.
  6. I had a couple of broken exhaust studs I removed from the heads on a 510 gas engine. There was enough stud exposed that I could get a pair of vise grips on them so I got out the torch, heated the head and turned the broken stud out. All sounds good so far. However after the heads cooled down I noticed what I believe to be cracks coming from two of the bolt holes. Is it possible that the heads cracked from the heat, or where they cracked before and I didn’t notice it until I got the dirt & oil burnt off. Now where do I go from hear?
  7. Thanks a game. I talked to a guy at a show yesterday (he brought a R model Mack to an International Show) that said he thought he remembered being able to order A models with the larger L model radiator.
  8. Here’s a few more pictures. The hood matches the grill shell and the cab. The engine is a 510 gas with an Ellis dual carb intake. The model number is A-54T.
  9. I’ll try to take a better picture of the radiator cap tomorrow.
  10. I brought my A model home this weekend, and now I’m trying to figure out if it has the correct radiator/front end on it. I looked through all the A model pictures I could find, and mine is the only one I could find with the radiator cap on the outside of the hood behind the bulldog. Anyone have any idea.
  11. I’m not sure how it works in Ohio but in PA when a vehicle is licensed as an antique it no longer has a “gross weight” reliving the CDL requirement. The slippery part is depending on the arresting officer you could be charged with not having your air brake endorsement, however you can’t get your airbrake endorsement without your CDL. The DOT officer that gave me this information said that up to the point he gave me the information no one had appealed the no airbrake endorsement charge so he didn’t know how that would turn out in court. Hope this helps.
  12. We’re heading to Macungie.
  13. I’ll be dropping a truck off tomorrow evening. Then coming back down for the day Saturday.
  14. The trip is just over 100 miles. The worst part is the ruff road through Tamaqua.
  15. After we replaced an axel seal, gave her a bath, and topped off the fuel we should be ready for the trip to Macungie on Wednesday.
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