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  1. Being reasonably new at this Mack game I never knew so many options were available for vendor engines, transmissions and back ends across the R model range of trucks. Ive been putting a list together of all the R variations I can find with their build years and numbers built and its surprised me. As you say the 318 detroits had a reasonable showing. 12V-71, 6V-71, 8V-92 Detroits were used also. Even the 3208 Cat had a go. They used an inline 6 Scania in one of the R400 Models, Its a shame they didnt have with the Scania 14 liter V8 as an option also. I gather Mack would have entertained the vendor gear to make their product more marketable to a wider audience. Grant, havent rang Len yet. Barry
  2. Hello, Thanks for the reply. After my post this morning I got underneath with the pressure cleaner and blew a heap of crud out and found a second set of mounts further back ! Identical to the picture you posted of the Spicer auxiliery so my question is answered. Two sets of mounts about two feet apart. Now could be the hard bit though, finding a 1241-C spicer box shouldnt be to hard but the mounting brackets on the box could be difficult. Thanks again for your help. Barry
  3. Hi Jeff, Rod Thanks for the feedback. There doesnt seem to be many 700's around these days. Do you have any ideas on how many they did make here ? Were most of them Mack V8's or was there a real mixture of engines. Swishy tells me Wettenalls had some Cummins powered ones. Im still curious about the gearbox setup in this one of mine. There is a set of Mack rear trans mounts about 4'6" back from the flywheel housing that I cant work out. To far back for a maxitorque and to close for an aux. The picture isnt very clear but you can see the mount. Barry
  4. Hi Dave, Im not sure why It didnt work. Thankyou for trying. It might be our machine playing up. Regards, Barry
  5. Howdy Dave, There are a few Flintstones over here in WA so if you want chassis numbers for your list I could probibly help you out. Regards, Barry
  6. Hi Jeff, I was just abit exited when the mag article turned up in the post. Got this copy from the Transport Hall of Fame in Alice. Im going to run an add in Truckin life and see if someone will part with the particular mag it was in. I managed to read the signwork on the door with a magnifying glass and it says Stevens Transport, Darwin so your bang on. With a little reserch yesterday I found out Stevens Transport was G & L Steven. George Steven. Im now on the hunt to try and find him. The boys from Shaw Trans in Darwin tell me Stevens havnt been around the NT for years now. Mack in QLD are rattling through their archives to see what they can find on it so if they turn something up it may answer some of my questions. Your information about who had what is interesting. I think it is fitting to restore it as in the picture. Thanks for the great info. Barry
  7. Hello, My old R767 back in 1976 Barry
  8. Thanks Jeff, I found some pictures on the internet plus the info you just replied with so Im confident I will be able to work it out. Thanks again, Barry
  9. Hello Again, Brilliant to see a picture of one of these in new condition and great info about them, thankyou. #32# has two sticks so I assumed it to be a quadruplex. I dont want particuarly want one for myself but would like to see one saved and are willing to help in the cause. Barry
  10. Howdy All, Thankyou for the comments. The truck was built with a direct in 5th maxitorque followed by a spicer 1241-C aux. I have found a spicer aux box and are looking for an O/D main box to give me a little more speed when running empty. Barry
  11. There are a small group of us including the original driver of Number #32# pictured are going to try and save this one. It doesnt matter who's shed it ends up in as long as it stays together. Alot of people have been trying to buy it over the years. The other three are in a sad state but this one is reasonably complete. I will let you know what the outcome is in the future. Barry
  12. Hello, I will be going past these trucks today so I will get some more pictures and post them in a few days when im back. The trucks were built by Mack in the US and shipped in a knocked down form then assembled here. They were used for pulling 100 ton belly dumper trailers. The one that was changed to allison trans as a trial wasnt very successful with retarder / heat problems. Diffs and rear suspension look the same as your regular 44's on camelback but on steroids, twice the size. Engines are Mack V8's. Ive been told they are an early version of the E9. 475hp Its an early R cab. 24"wheels. They are not for sale and have / are being wrecked for the diffs and rear suspension for some other 6x4 dumpers he has. Barry Barry
  13. Hello, Thanks for the reply and info. My R767 was originally built with a Maxitorque 5 speed behind the Cummins + a spicer aux box. I would like to restore it back to its original condition. Barry
  14. Howdy, There are four of these in a yard in Western Australia. All four have Mack V8 power. Three with quads and the other is allison auto. All four have fifth wheels. Enjoy. Barry
  15. Dave, Im not sure where you are but if the the US the fax number is :0011 61 8 6437 5920 Within Australia : 08 9437 5920 Attention : Barry K I appreciate your help. Regards, Barry
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