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matt j

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  1. Is there a difference between the two? Do both exist? I think I have a MS200 and I need new brake calipers and some other things, but all the sites I'm looking at say MS200P. What is the difference? Are the parts compatible?
  2. Did you end up being able to get new master and slave cylinder? I'm looking for rebuild or complete master cylinder for a 89 Midliner. I think it's an MS 200 series, but I looked on Spareto's website and only found M series or S series. ??
  3. Thanks Joey. That would be great. Are there more books available on eBay? I would like to have some instruction. Wiring diagrams? The fuse block needs to be replaced. is there a link to the seller for the books?
  4. Yeah, I thought about that. I may try that too. I think if I could determine the piston diameter, I might be able to fix the one I have.
  5. Hi Joey - Thanks for the help! It's an MS 200 series. The master cylinder body had the following characters cast into it: 5575 FTE 479-8 I appreciate your willingness to help.
  6. Hey Joey - you are right on. The local Mack dealer didn't have any documentation, and really very little desire to help. . I called and emailed the Mack museum. They were not any real help either. . I searched around all the typical internet sites, including ebay, TruckID, etc. Nobody has anything. I did manage to get some kind of product part/reference number off the old master cylinder. 5575 FTE 479-8. Was able to find similar matches, but not exact. I really only need the piston (it's plastic and broken). I've never seen a plastic piston in a master cylinder before. We bought the truck to use as a water truck on a horse farm/rodeo arena, but never dreamed we couldn't run to the parts store or dealer to get parts. Our bad. Love the truck, but concerned it might not be the best choice for a busy working farm (regular maintenance). I may dig up some old masters from some random Volvo diesel engines in the junk yard and see if I can find a similar size piston in the master for those vehicles. Those old Harvesters are sweet! Got any pics of it?
  7. Hi - I'm looking for a clutch master cylinder or a rebuild kit for my new 89 Midliner. Anybody know where I might locate such parts or something compatible that I can use to modify or rebuild the unit I have? Looks like the piston is actually plastic. Thanks!
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