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Everything posted by Rsc1717

  1. No codes , how would I be able to check for the injectors the cut out test ? I just thru a six pack in there a couple of months ago .
  2. Have a 2014 cxu with the mp8 , this has happened twice turn on truck in the morning and starts up just fine , but after a couple of minutes it starts getting like a rough idle and then I try to give it some gas and it won’t settle down . So I turn it off and on again and it’s gone . Done it like three times In a row already wondering what this is .
  3. Don’t know upsman , don’t have any codes it could be that, it’s weird how it comes and goes . But really gets worse when that temp goes high and boost only gets to 26 - 28 psi temp almost gets to 800f exhaust temp
  4. Their is no soot leaking , or squeal or hissing , I don’t want to say it’s the bump that fixed it but problem does come and go .
  5. 2014 mack cxu613 mp8
  6. Have noticed that my boost has not been going up like it used too and throttle response is not there . It seems like it does later in the day first load always seems good then as the day goes it gets worse I used to get 35 to 36 psi of boost now I only get 31 to 32 most of the time sometimes I do see 35 but drops and dosent maintain. Also have noticed that when it gets real bad my exhaust temp gets pretty high and when that temp is high I just get about 26 psi and don’t feel the power their . Don’t know what’s going on . I did have p0401 code recently . I changed sensor and cleaned egr and it went away . Yesterday I did notice that I hit a bump on the road and my power came back don’t know if something moved with the bump or it’s just going on /off . Recent work done was injectors and cups hard starts went away . Let me know what you guys think is going. Also something else have noticed my oil pressure drops down to 19 psi when I come to stop after a run but after a couple of minutes or so it maintain at 23 psi at idle . Did notice a little of oil from we’re the oil pressure sensors connects I guess it has a little leak just ordered it to change it .
  7. Here is the cup puller I used had issues with the Ferrum tool as well . The problem is with the Ferrum tool you cannot tighten it up much or it will lose its grip and fail . So best choice make threads nice and slow put grease while making threads so shavings stick to grease without failing on cylinder . I used that high pressure grease you are going to use to install cups .
  8. I sure will let you know how everything turns out . thanks
  9. Thanks Mack pro , yeah I found the tool online at freedom racing like for 270 I believe , I haven’t purchased . I’ll look into Thanks .
  10. FJH, the hard starting went away as soon as I did the cups it’s gone starts right up anytime . But that sensor did get hit with something and it does have some shavings so who knows . I will pay attention to rattling at rear .
  11. Yeah ónix , on this one I’ll probably just leave it to them to take care of it not worth buying tool for just one sensor lol. Yeah and you’re right thats why I usually tackle my own jobs ,one because I like learning and also making sure no corners were cut . But with all the special tooling it makes it a little difficult and also got to have the correct scanning tools on top of it .
  12. Thanks ónix just been having a lot of issues coming up with This truck getting to them one by one . I’ll order the tool and go from there . Thanks making another post about code p0410 that came back today .
  13. I put the old one back the same way it was just showing pic of it how would I be able to tell if it’s making contact, I put it in don't seem like it’s touching anything do you think that one is bad Joey mack seems like it got hit in the corner . I know you need a tool to install new one don’t have it .
  14. Got a change to pull the sensor off while doing the cups and injectors I’m attaching some pics let me know what you think .
  15. Got done today, truck runs good and starts right up . Tomorrow going to go program injectors . Thanks everybody for the help .
  16. Do you have valve adjustment
  17. Almost their
  18. Hello ónix 610 what is the torque specs for the rocker arm shaft
  19. Yes onix610 that’s what I’m going to do write numbers and take it to somebody to program them . I’ll be in touch if anything . Thanks
  20. Decided to go on and do job myself shop wanted 8k plus a week or more of downtime I had tool in hand so decided to give it a shot . Anything else I need to look for while I’m already their . Or any recommendations on installation or torque downs other then what’s already in the web guys .
  21. Truck is in the shop and their saying injectors are showing that their good but bad cups was their outcome for all This issues they did a injector cut out test and showing that their pullinggood . What would you guys recommend pulling injectors and just doing cups or just trowing a whole six pack .
  22. Thanks I’ll check that harness tomorrow that should be the issue Thanks mack pro
  23. Yeah I have shouldn’t be to bad I’ll get to it Thanks .
  24. Have a 2014 cxu613 they ran computer and it’s camshaft position sensor being erratic . How do I go about changing this do you need that special tool or can it be done with out don’t have the tool .
  25. Thank you guys , thank you Mack pro
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