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  1. Mack guy came out. Turns out it is the engine ecm. Had little oil at plug from a leak that got in the harness they said. Called wicking effect. Apparently it’s so common they have a term for it! Put a test ecm on it, cranked up, drove it to dealer to get a reman installed and fix leak. Thanks for all the help! I’ll be back at some point im sure!
  2. Man I don’t know anyone else local that has mdrive that would let me try it. I planned to call dealer back in morning and see if they can have Mech run out and plug into it. They said it would have to be at dealership to flash so may have to have it towed 😕
  3. Yes sir the dealer had me check this Friday when I was on phone with them. They didn’t have a mechanic to send me so he was helping me best he could. We checked the fuse link in batt box by bypassing it with jumper cables. It was still good.
  4. @Joey Mack - I just tried jumping the solenoid and it spun over a bunch but wouldn’t fire off. As if wasn’t getting fuel. Could that be a safety feature since the codes are on it? Or something else?
  5. Did it throw codes like the pics I posted?
  6. I haven’t yet. I was wondering if it would mess up any sensors or other sensitive stuff
  7. I don’t have any way to plug in and test it.
  8. Starter not engaging. Doesn’t turn over. Doesn’t even try to. Only hear the relay click in the upper dash fuse panel. It threw several codes. Called Mack dealer and said it has zero communication with one of the ECMs. I attached pics of the codes. They said the FMI 9 code means zero communication.
  9. Really hasn’t had anything done lately. Just little a/c work and a service done back in February at dealer.
  10. Anyone know why on a 2012 Pinnacle with MP8 / Mdrive went to crank it and it turned over few times but let off the key, turned off, then back on, and now it won’t turn over. Checked fuses, fuseable link, disconnected battery cables, filled truck with air, and still won’t turn over. Any suggestions?
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