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  1. Not familiar with that, I will look. Thank you.
  2. My 1978 DM 800 has a Spicer F6.5-5-43 u-joint that I can’t seem to find. Is there a suitable alternative?
  3. Thank you!
  4. Thank you very much sir. I will do this.
  5. Thank you sir. I will investigate.
  6. So does the bottom port in the pic ( the one with the compression nut) not supposed to be hooked to anything?
  7. The wipers come on sporadically for no reason and I was told that parking break doesn’t work. When you shut off the truck you can hear air leaking and I tracked it down to hear. I’m confused.
  8. Would anyone be able to tell me where the airline that’s supposed to be in the empty port goes to? I really appreciate the help.
  9. I need the DM 800 hood, breather cap, grille bezel that says MACK, and 5 hood grille bars. I couldn’t possibly afford to buy a whole parts truck not to mention having it hauled.
  10. I live in Northern Indiana.
  11. Can you please tell me what the grease fittings on either side of the grille are for? Also you will notice the gap between the body and the bumper on the left is greater than on the left. Do I need a new mount on the left?
  12. How much do you want for it?
  13. Thank you. I just went to NAPA and had them look it up. Thanks for responding!
  14. I imagine you don’t still have this stuff?
  15. How much we talking?
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