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Everything posted by AussieMack1988

  1. Hi Lads and Ladies Just purchased this tidy looking MBR 600 in an online auction. It'll go well with our existing MBR as a great paddock grain hauler! Any light able to be shed on these old girls? My father and I are curious. Cheers!
  2. So I had another run at the old girl today. Compressor is building air just fine. Took the high low selector valve ( left hand side of the gear box) apart and replaced the o rings. It had a bit of surface rust inside it but I couldn't see any real damage. Still chasing up other problems as this didn't fix anything! Oh the joys of mechanical work 🙄
  3. Would they equate to N70Z batteries dimension wise? The reason for the battery/ starter question is because we often don't have a compressor where we are. On a side note, I started the old girl today..bit of aero start and lots of air and off she chugged!! Now the air leaks/no brakes working/hi lo selector not working to solve! A few months before harvest...so I have a little time but any suggestions hints or tips are welcome! Cheers
  4. Ok guys thanks so much for all your help! I am going to start getting the old girl harvest ready tomorrow. She hasn't started in 6 months so it's going to take some coaxing into life. Sadly it's a pretty rough old truck but tough. Eaton 9 speed is a great box to learn on! 😄 more photos tomorrow...please go easy on the judgement on the trucks condition. We bought it as a paddock truck!
  5. Hey thanks for the quick replies! Any information really? Motor size, maybe a place to find an online manual? Also is there any one out there who has converted this type of truck from air to electric start? Cheers
  6. Gday guys and Gals I have a few questions for all you MACK enthusiasts out there. My father and I bought an MACK MBR600 twin steer cab over tipper to cart grain around our properties in Central west NSW Australia. We have been unable to find ANY information on this truck or its lineage? Its an air start diesel with a 9 speed Road Ranger gearbox. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers
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