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  1. Hello! im having an issue with my trucks gauge cluster. When I start the truck, this is all I see on the dash, with the 4 lights on top right blinking. once in a while the eeprom message will pop up erratically. I’ve cleaned my battery cables. The batteries are less than a year old. this same thing happened to me last year and fixed it self, and now it’s back with vengeance Everything else on the truck works! The gauge cluster is the only issue. Any help please
  2. Having some issues with my day cab. Not sure if it’s all related or not, but: 2 outside roof clearance lights are not working. The 3 inner lights are working fine all my gauge cluster gauge illumination lights aren’t working EXCEPT the rpm/MPH gauge. everything else is working fine on the truck, has me a bit confused. side note, when I hit the clearance flash button on turn signal stick, I hear a relay click but nothing happens.
  3. Hello all. 2014 cxu613. I installed a tarp switch in my truck for dump, and now my gauge cluster won’t work. Won’t turn on at all, won’t sweep. The screen lights up but it is blank, and 4 random lights are blinking in top corner (right turn signal, R, N) Will try replacing my batteries and cleaning grounds today. Any ideas??
  4. Anybody else have any ideas on what to check? Fuses/ wires. Noticed my radio doesn’t reset just my cluster.
  5. The actual odometer. It’s not returning to 0, but it’s returning to 436xxx everyday.
  6. Sorry for the click bait title. I have a 2014 cxu613 with an mp8, noticed my mileage restarts every day to what I started with. So I start at the same mileage everyday, it counts it throughout the day, but then again the following day back to the same mileage. i recently purchased the truck, any ideas to how to fix this? Not sure if related but the truck does have a “tune”
  7. Thanks for the reply! is this specific to this engine? I know most other engines run a bit cooler oil temps
  8. I think he means 245-250 perhaps?
  9. Hello, I have a 2014 mack with an mp8 445c. The truck is new to me with 436k miles, and just wanted some confirmation that what I’m seeing is normal. I noticed my oil temp is around 240-246 while cruising regardless empty or loaded. Oil pressure is fine during pull but it sits around 20 psi on idle. coolant temp is around 190-200ish are these to be concerned about? thanks!
  10. Thank you for the feedback! can anybody else chime in with their experience? thanks
  11. Hello, I have a 2014 mack with an mp8 445c. The truck is new to me with 436k miles, and just wanted some confirmation that what I’m seeing is normal. I noticed my oil temp is around 240-246 while cruising regardless empty or loaded. Oil pressure is fine during pull but it sits around 20 psi on idle. coolant temp is around 190-200ish are these to be concerned about? thanks!
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